First snow, just a dusting …

It’s like an early warning system. It’s not really cold enough for snow to stick around, though it’s cold enough after the sun goes down to cling to tree branches and  unpaved surfaces.

Like powdered sugar dropped on our cake, the world is lightly covered in white. It’s not the real thing and it will be gone by afternoon. Not enough to shovel or even to disrupt traffic, but it’s a bell ringing that says “winter is on the way … ” Shake out the sweaters, find last year’s boots and coats. It’s coming … but for now, it’s just a nudge, a suggestion, a hint of what lies ahead.

Categories: #Photography, Nature, Seasons

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6 replies

  1. Winter is a 4 letter word that should not be repeated in front of children.


    • Yes, I know you are not fond of our beautiful winters in the north land. But what will come will come. Whether we welome it or not.


  2. I love the frog picture. His smile is so adorable and goofy.


  3. How lovely! Here, it went to 31 degrees overnight but was back up to 60 and nearly 70 by midday. Drove around till dusk with the top down trying to soak up as much Vitamin D as possible. The therapy is working — I no longer have to nap every six hours.

    In one day I have watched a man wearing a down vest and shorts hang Christmas decorations along a fence; a very large woman wearing a very small spaghetti-strap tank top and very short shorts pump gas; and several dozen college students fuss over eight dogs brought to their campus for a special lunchtime experiment in pre-examination stress-relief. I certainly can’t match your crystalline vistas (well, maybe once a year, but the vista turns swiftly uncrystalline by noon) — but there are times I wish I could send you some of our goofy south Texas winter. (Down vests and shorts, yeah!)


    • Garry used to wear shorts with a winter coat. It was his one man protest against winter. No longer. More a snuggies guy these days. But this was really just a little dusting, gone by midday. According to the weather guys, the temps will be dropping very soon … like tonight … it will be winter for real. I hope they are wrong. I am not ready (I will never be ready). And less snow is better. Much better.

      On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 12:37 AM, Serendipity
