The State House Dressed for the Holidays

Boston State House - Night

Boston State House – Night

Boston is genuinely beautiful at night. The only other city I’ve lived in that exceeds it is Jerusalem and she is in a class of her own… and an entirely different experience.

New York is exciting, but it’s not (mostly) a pretty city .Impressive, almost overwhelming … but Boston is elegant. It has vistas. It’s a good place to visit … and a good place to live, too. Except for the weather. And the parking and traffic. But hey, you can’t have everything.

Boston at night ... by the Statehouse, across from the Common.

Boston at night … by the Statehouse, across from the Common.

Categories: #Photography, #Writing, Architecture, Holidays

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2 replies

  1. Lovely, lovely pictures! The ghosts of pols past were having last call with a young reporter at that pub around the corner.


    • The Pub around the corner that is now the headquarters of Fox 25 and used to be “The Golden Dome”?

      On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 10:54 AM, Serendipity
