Weekly Photo Challenge: My 2012 in Pictures

All months are not equal and many of the most important things that happen are never documented. Hospital stays and medical procedures are life and death but never show up in photo albums. Some months are more crowded than others: summer vacations, holidays and almost all of the month of December, with Christmas at its apex, usually feature unique and photogenic activities, so these tend to be a heavily documented months.

Morning, Dec 30, 2012 ... a real snow blankets our world. Happy New Year!

Morning, Dec 30, 2012 … a real snow blankets our world. Happy New Year!

Then, there are those months that are beautiful.  Autumn in New England … specifically, October … gets more attention almost the rest of the year combined. November, a visually dull month unless we have an early snow or storm, is not a natural lure to photographers. I have no pictures from March because I was in the hospital for most of it and not in the mood for photography the rest of it.

Spring flowers and gardens are magnificent, but late summer gardens can be lackluster, the best of the color having passed. Vacati0ns are documented end to end, but ordinary weeks and months pass without much notice.

So this is … and isn’t … my year. It is my photographic year, but not necessarily my real year.

Categories: #Photography, Cameras, Holidays, Life, Music, Nature, Pets, Seasons, Weather

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13 replies

  1. Our family soap opera and your ongoing health and physical miseries aside for just moment, it was a VERY GOOD year in photographs for you, Mrs. A. Love You!!


  2. Beautiful photographs


  3. gorgeous fur kids


  4. Love that christmas photo.


  5. Love them all, but my fav is still the ‘red chairs’! There is just something about a touch of red that sets off a photograph! May 2013 be a monumental photographic year!
