Daily Prompt: P.C. – Some just call it civility

PC Prompt

Politically correct. To be politically correct means to tread carefully on other people’s sensibilities. I’m for that. Very much.

In a lot of places here in the good old U.S.A., “P.C,” means you can’t go around spewing racist epithets even thinly disguised as humor. For all the morons, bigots, racists and the socially challenged, a simple rule — “DON’T SAY THAT” — works a lot better than sensitivity training. So many amongst us have no sensitivity to train.

English: No racism Lietuvių: Ne rasizmui

Even if the morons who insist they don’t mean it — in which case why are they saying it? — I feel any rule or law that protects me and mine from having to listen to hate is political capital well spent.

I wouldn’t call it political correctness. I would call it civility. Good manners. Common decency.

If anyone feels not calling other people insulting names is cramping their style? These are for whom such rules were made. These are just the folks who need them. Most people have enough smarts and good manners to know when to shut up without being told. For everyone else, we have rules.

When we are amongst friends and we know one another well, we relax, let out guards down. Especially when we are a minority among others like us with similar culture and history, it’s all good. We are family, we act silly like family. But if you are not one of us, leave your mouth outside. I don’t need to be insulted. I don’t want to be made to feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

Many people still think racism is sort of cute. I think they should be eliminated from the gene pool. Go Helen.

HellenMirren BigGun

Categories: #Photography, #Writing, Ethics and Philosophy, Life, Patriotism, Personal, social media, Words

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15 replies

  1. Great post! Is that last picture a shot from RED?
    I’m also all for PC, although sometimes it goes too far – we have had some companies in the UK “cancel Christmas” (no decorations, no cards etc. in the workplace) for fear of upsetting non-Christians.They just end up upsetting everyone – the “Christians” don’t get Christmas and the non-Christians feel bad about it.


    • You are very close. Last shot is from Red 2 which I thought was better than Red and I liked that also. I want the gun. My second amendment rights say I can have a big gun. LOTS of big guns. Then I can shoot people. People who annoy me. People who don’t agree with me. People who I think deserve to die by dint of having poor grammar and bad attitudes. Sadly, I cannot afford a gun, even a little tiny gun, so I will have to live vicariously. GO HELEN.

      As for the rest of it, celebrate the Winter Solstice. I am passionately in favor of applying common sense (which is far from common) and using intelligence and … (gasp) sensitivity. Like ASK around the office and find out if it will bother anyone to have a “happy holiday seasonal winter celebration” gathering. Why not?


      • That’s a good idea! I think some companies are so worried about getting sued they just cancel everything.

        As you said, a lot of PC is just common sense, decency and good manners.


        • In all the years I worked I never had a problem knowing what to NOT say. I’m not a name-caller, personally or professionally. I always wonder — with the millions of words available to English-speakers — how it could be all that hard to find non-offensive word choices. And yes, you don’t have to have a Christmas Party. You can just have a holiday party. OR a New Year’s Party. Held near Christmas. Our family is mixed race and mixed religion, but we celebrate everything. And everyone attends — or doesn’t attend — the religious establishment they prefer (or are avoiding). It doen’t have to be an issue, not if we don’t want it to be.


      • This post is blatantly—-GREAT!!!


  2. It is getting to be zero tolerance as one by one people wake up to the damage it causes and has cost over the course of history.


    • I keep finding that people who resent having to be “PC” are inevitably white and mostly, men.


      • As you point out there is rude and PC – with a great big space in between. We don’t want to be a society of prudes and there is a time and place for crude humour (home, bars, personal dinners etc) but the legacy passed on to our children has gotten out of control. They have no heart for others feelings. There have been so many teen suicides due to online bullying for instance that the government is looking to regulate it by law. It all falls under the same category. Peace.



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