Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure

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17 replies

  1. Thanks for the pingback! What a beautiful collection of treasures!


    • Thank you. I love them enough to actually spend a whole day dusting them 🙂 Not a small thing!


      • Wow! That is impressive! How long did it take you to collect them? Do you have a favourite piece?


        • 30 years? Some things date back to when I was a kid … I wasn’t consciously collecting for a long time. It was just “stuff.” Eventually it morphed into a collection. I’ve gotten rid of a lot of it over the past 3 years. More than half of it, I’ve given away or sold. Much of my collection is older than I am. Older than anyone I know. Some of my pottery is thousands of years old.


          • That is truly precious. Your collection is older than I am! Haha 😉 I am sure it is a great conversation piece for when you have guests over too.


  2. John Wayne dolls! I’ve gotta show this to my dad! 😀


  3. I was wondering if you would choose your doll collection! Very nice! Are the decoy’s Garry’s?


    • The decoys are ours. The movie star and historical figures are ours, the girly dolls our mine, The wall stuff is a mix of both of ours. Garry doesn’t mind the dolls, really. He just doesn’t want to clean them … they are fragile and I don’t blame him. He sometimes chats with the girls and he and both Dukes commune.


  4. Are those John Wayne dolls?


    • Yes. Two of them, cavalry and cowboy. Original. With tags. I used to run a collectibles and antique (online) shop. Dolls (what a shock) were a specialty. Besides, they aren’t dolls. They are (ahem) figures.



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