Stay In The Car and Other Classic Lines – Marilyn Armstrong

In the spirit of clichés that pop out of the mouths of Our Heroes with alarming frequency, despite the fact that they have become standing jokes for the audience (apparently nobody mentioned this to the script writers), our personal favorite in this house is “Stay in the car.”

On the NBC TV series “Chuck.” it’s a gag line. Unfortunately, on most shows it is supposed to be real dialogue  and not cause hilarity … but it does. Every time.

I checked on Subzin, a movie database that lets you enter a piece of dialogue, then reports in how many and in the specific movies where you’ll find it. According to Subzin, “Stay in the car”  can be found in 356 phrases from 296 movies and series. Yet, they continue to use it.

Lethal Weapon 2: (1989)

uses the line a lot.

Then, there’s  Last Action Hero (1993), my favorite Arnold Schwarznegger movie in which the line is understood to be a cliché , which is more than you can say for most of the places you will hear it:

But don’t feel that this is confined to modern movies. High Sierra, with Humphrey Bogart and Ida Lupino, 1941 used the line too.
Speaking of Humph, there’s one great line in Treasure of the Sierra Madres that has become, by its utter perfection, a cliché or maybe … a laugh line?
And again, from Blazing Saddles (1974), a movie so quotable that we can recite the entire dialogue as we watch:
And then there is:
Ah, so many clichés. So little time. And then … they all walk away …

Categories: Movies, Television, Words

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3 replies

  1. And sometimes when you stay in the car, the trouble comes to you…..see following video.


  2. …And this is why I seem to be able to anticipate lines in movies I’ve never seen before.., they all steal each other’s shit. Thank you Marilyn.., I loved this


  3. Great stuff.
    They missed the ‘Walk Away’ at the end of Shooter though – BUT there’s so many Walk Aways now that it would be impossible to list them all. They’re everywhere. Tomb Raider Underworld (computer game) STARTS with a Walk Away of Lara’s mansion getting blown up. I guess when a particular scenario has gained a Title it’s already given as being cliche …
