Writing is hard for obvious and not so obvious reasons. Somehow my right shoulder got torn up. My left wrist too.


WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONGProbably not knowing exactly what transpired in the OR is better. In any case, I’ll never know for sure. Just have to wait for healing. If I don’t answer, it’s not that I don’t want to. Just pain interferes with good intentions!

Categories: UPDATE!

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13 replies

  1. It’s great to see you posting again, but don’t rush it. Heal in your own time, we’ll still be here when you’re all better.


  2. Happy to see you put one up on the scoreboard! Hope the shoulder and wrist get on the mend straightaway.


  3. I hope all is well soon, but just like magic we will see you here every day anyway.


  4. I don’t really care if you respond or even post right now. I just care that you get healed up and your smile returns. Sending energy your way.


  5. Hope the pain fades soon. And keep taking care of yourself!


  6. Great to have you back. Wish you a speedy recovery n don’t worry about the comments. We are waiting for you. Take care 🙂


  7. Since you need your rest I don’t suppose you’ve considered voice recognition software? Besides, you need your rest. Be well. – Bob


  8. Hush, please. We are not going anywhere. Great your home.


  9. Very sorry about the pain, Marilyn, but delighted to have you back and totally understand. I’ll still be here! xxx


  10. I’m just happy that you have been able to write something. Don’t overdo it though. Hope you will be a lot less sore soon.


  11. Don’t worry about responding. It’s good to hear that you’re starting to recover. Don’t rush things. Best wishes.


  12. Relax and heal. We’ll all still be here.


  13. A like because you posted anyway… but I’m sorry about your shoulder and wrist!
