A Name for Yourself

Some writers’ names have becomes adjectives: Kafkaesque, marxist, Orwellian, sadistic. If your name (or nickname, or blog name) were to become an adjective, what would it mean?

Lucky me. Smart me. Far-seeing me. Pat, pat on my back, back!

When I picked my blog name, it already meant something, which is “to find something for which one is not looking.” A serendipitous discovery is pretty much a happy accident.

ser·en·dip·i·tyˌ noun
The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. “A fortunate stroke of serendipity”. Synonyms: (happy) chance, (happy) accident, fluke.

I suppose you could talk about my pithy, ironic commentary as Marilyn-isms, but there are more than enough existing words to describe pithiness, irony and wit without making up a new one.

Let’s just stick with serendipity. It’s a good word, a happy word. When chance takes you someplace pleasant and surprising, if you unexpectedly happen upon something that tickles your fancy, think of me.

Serendipity strikes again!

Categories: #Blogging, #Writing, Humor, Words

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20 replies

  1. Ah h-e-doublehockeysticks. I thought this was all about bears in the woods… 😉


  2. That generally happens when the author becomes a symbol of society or at least some part of it.


  3. Hi Marilyn,
    Just call me Musica. Have to get out and do some gardening.


  4. From day one I’ve always liked your blog title.


  5. Serendipity is a grand name and fits you very well.


  6. All you need now is a cape and mask!


  7. I believe I will! 😀 😀



  1. Daily Prompt: A Name for Yourself – Long live Angloswisslogical | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss