Now? Later! — We all procrastinate. Website, magazine, knitting project, TV show, something else — what’s your favorite procrastination destination?

Holy moly! You made me pause to think this morning. I’m not sure I can handle that. Procrastination destination? You mean … like … what do I do when I’m not doing what I’m ‘posed to do?

What am I supposed to do? What is that?

I have no schedule. I have no professional goals, no boss, no deadlines. Other than an annual vacation, the occasional party, or doctor’s appointment …. everything is optional. I can do it. Or not.

Kitchen summer morning 2

Do it now, later, or skip it entirely. It’s up to me. Procrastination loses its zing post-retirement. I suppose I could set myself deadlines and then stress about meeting them, but why? Haven’t I had enough stress in my life? Now, later, never. It’s all the same.

You young ones are welcome to your hyped up lives, frantic schedules, important agendas, and artificial deadlines. I wish you well. I remember living a life where running as fast as I could meant staying in the same place — with exhaustion (mental and physical) as my constant companion.

I served my time and then some. Looking back, so much of it was a waste of energy. It meant nothing in the long run. Most of it meant nothing in the short run, too. Artificial deadlines for insignificant projects which frequently came to nothing for anyone … and I was just an itsy bitsy cog in someone else’s wheel of fortune.

I don’t have to do that anymore. I knew there was an up side to oldness. Time for another cuppa. I love coffee in the morning. Don’t you?

Categories: Humor, Retirement

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32 replies

  1. Great way to look at life!! I’m still in the working world….but rarely stress. I do what I love and I am fortunate to set my own schedule. My blood pressure readings and peace of mind are much more important than Spending the day stressing over insignificant self induced deadlines.


    • It’s nice if you have a work environment where you are not pressured constantly. Such jobs are few and far between. I had a couple of jobs where the work situation was wonderful … and a lot where it was not. My husband spent his life under the gun and it wore him out and burned him up. You are lucky and I’m happy for you!


  2. I think about washing the car sometimes, but if I wait, god usually does it for me. Of course driving in the rain adds a few mud splashes, but everyone can see they’re fresh.


    • Maybe twice a year Garry takes the car through the car wash. (We do not wash them ourselves — it uses too much well water. And it’s too much like work.) It usually rains immediately. But he is happy to have a clean car for the 15 minutes before it’s dirty again.


  3. I’m right there with you, Marilyn. Tea and biscotti anytime I want… YAY! By the way, the weeds are looking great. Seeing lots of new blossoms this year. The house hasn’t been vacuumed in weeks, but YES, I’m ready for a cuppa with my biscotti! XO


    • I confine my cleaning to places I’m about to photograph. Hate the way dust looks in pictures 🙂

      My garden is looking surprisingly good. It will look awful again when the flowers die back, but right after that, it will snow again … so it won’t matter.

      Tea and biscotti sounds super wonderful. I’m ready!!


  4. Drink a cup for me. Splash of cream. 😀


  5. Thankyou from the bottom of my windows. there is always light, and we just think of rain as a natural cleaning process. Any ideas for cleaning the window frames – but of course, they are just there to frame the light that enters, something like a church stained window glass. Oh life is good to a golden oldie.


  6. I gotta clean the fridge. But maybe later?


      • I went shopping instead. What a downer! I never saw so much crappy clothes. Think I’ll clean the fridge now. It is much more rewarding.


        • Yes. I notice a lot of my newish clothing is developing tears along the seams. They really don’t make things very well these days. I think it’s the cheap thread … and the poor sewing done by child slaves in Asia. Not to mention some of the ugliest styles I’ve ever seen.


          • Marilyn, when my grandson got married I had to drag out a dress I wore to my son’s wedding many years ago. It was sensational and it fit. I tried to find something new but wouldn’t be caught dead in what is out there now. I even started sewing again myself.


  7. A few days ago I thought it would be a good idea to write down a goal for each day. Simple things, things one can do at in a minimum of time and stress while being retired. Today, I began to Windex the back slider and it started to rain. I went back to creating lovely scenes from my photos using several software applications. Not on my goals but much more fun than washing windows.


  8. After 40 years of deadlines, I LOVE procrastination.


  9. Inspired thought. Wise words (as always!).


  10. Funny, feisty and refreshing, Marilyn – but then I would expect nothing less! xxx


    • I’ve been out of work completely (except for a once in a blue moon free lance editing gig) for 6 years. I can’t even imagine wanting to go back to it. I don’t know how I did it in the first place. If only there were a way to get them to send money but not require one do something in exchange. Sigh. Work truly IS the curse of the leisure class 🙂


  11. I know I often put things off that I should be doing but I decided to worry about it later.


  12. I usually just procrastinate until the thing I was “supposed” to be doing is no longer relevant. Or has become so urgent I can’t ignore it any longer. Like cleaning the bathroom 🙂


    • You’ve definitely got the right idea. Bathrooms don’t wait, but if you learn to streamline the cleaning process, it won’t interfere with your general procrastination. Even when I was working, I had two modes: full stop and full ahead. When going full ahead, projects got done at the speed of light and I immediately went back to full stop. Maximizing free time while minimizing work hours. It was a fine plan. Served me well for many years.
