Return Address – If our well had the power of speech, I think I know what it would be saying. More or less.


Today the well gets fixed.

If my well could talk, I think it would be nervous and scared. It’s about to experience major surgery.

Fracking. Water fracking. High pressure water forced down into the bedrock to loosen the grit and silt that has collected during the past 40 years. After cleaning out those feeder fissures, they will shore up its walls, reposition the pump, and seal it against dirt. This should prevent further dirt from seeping into it.

Our water will be cleaner, the well will be healthier. Finally, it gets topped off with a smooth steel cover. The old well morphs into a new, up-to-date well.

Personally, I’ve been renovated several times. I can understand the worries our well might be experiencing. Its fears and concerns.

Will it hurt? Clearing out the fissures in the bedrock … that could make any well nervous! We all fear the unknown. After all, our well didn’t get to vote on what would be done to it … or who would perform its surgery.

But, like me and my various surgeries, there comes a time when you run out of options. What must be, must be. The time for quibbling and prevarication are over. The time for action has arrived.

Fare thee well, oh well. We need you to be healthy. Buck up. You’ll feel much better when we’re done fixing you. We will all feel better when you are full of clean, cold water.

Hang on, be cool. It’ll all be finished before you know it.

Categories: Daily Prompt, Home, Water

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30 replies

  1. Finally! Finally! Congratulations! And to your well, glad you’re all better and rejuvenated for at least another 40 years! 😀


  2. It’s tomorrow. High Noon, Saturday. The day after. The well work is done. We are told it’ll be a few hours before we have water back at a “normal” amount.
    Frick-frack, I was takin’ a bath…….

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hope all is good when all is “well” over and done. May your well be flooded with lots of water.

    Liked by 2 people

    • It is looking very good. Right now, there a lot of air in the pipes, dirt in the water (when you stir up the bottom like that, it takes a while to settle back down!). But the well is full, sealed, lidded. All the feeder fractures are cleared out. I haven’t gotten the final bill yet, but it should be the same or a little less because they didn’t have to dig up the garden … they were able to work around it.l So yay!! Water!!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Good luck with it all. 😀


  5. Good luck! and much water to you in the future.


  6. Well done. Now listen to it’s further whisperings … 🙂


  7. Interesting! We had to have a whole new well drilled and plug the old. .

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Yay, fingers crossed that this will be the end to your well woes.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. That was interesting. I was wondering how and when you would settle your well problem. and I was glad to see how you resolve the solution to the most boring blog subject of all time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I looked at it and had absolutely nothing to say. Then I realized I could at least talk about the well, sort of, since I was going to have to post about it anyway. Right now, I can barely hear myself think for all the machine noise out there. Lot of stuff going on. LOT of stuff.


  10. Mission accomplished ! A great boon to your neighbourhood 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I like how you compare your well to your body, including its feelings. I hope that you and the well will be in top health soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Apparently it was a good analogy because the report is that the fracking worked and we should have MUCH more water and much better water pressure and quality. We are going to need to have the front walk replace. It’s just rubble. It’s been a mess since last year when we had our previous well crisis … I’m glad we didn’t get it repaired properly because it would have had to be redone anyhow. But it seems that the crisis is finally over. I sure hope so. I’m crisis-ed out!


  12. Don’t forget to have them use a marker to mark off the area to be treated so that the wrong bedrock doesn’t get fracked during the procedure. Wells also have trouble calling a malpractice lawyer…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am counting on them to know what they are doing. They are THE well guys for the area and his father no doubt dug the original. It’s a deep one, more the 400 feet … It’s got water in it, but it refills very slowly and hopefully this is going to fix the problem … AND prevent it from recurring. I sure hope so. I’ve kind of had enough.



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