The only person I seem to be able to get to sit still for me is — you guessed it — my husband. So I have a lot of portraits of Garry. Most of them profiles or half profiles. Pictures of Garry at events, Garry taking pictures. Garry being Garry.

What makes him easy to photograph is he spent his entire professional life in front of a camera, so he knows “good side” from “bad side,” knows not to look directly at the camera. Knows what I mean when I ask him to show a “little more attitude.”

Nice to have a subject to photograph who actually understands what goes into making a good picture. And appreciates the results.

A Photo a Week challenge: Profile – Nancy Merrill Photography

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Challenges, Garry Armstrong, Portrait

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29 replies

  1. Thank you for allowing us a glimpse in your personal gallery. Nice pics.


    • I’m lucky I have a guy who actually doesn’t mind being photographed. My granddaughter can be sweet-talked into holding still, but she isn’t around as much 🙂


  2. What a wonderful collage of memories. Thanks for joining the challenge!


  3. Very cool photos 🙂
    If someone tells me to “smile” for a photo I’ll put on a big fake smile, and “show a little more attitude” would probably result in a “crossed arm rapper pose” of some description. Taking pictures of me is not easy.


    • Taking pictures of most people is difficult. MOST people are camera shy. Garry is just so used to being in front of a camera, he doesn’t even think about it. And better yet, he is used to taking direction. He’s not bad at giving it, either.


  4. Great photos great looking man! 😀


  5. Nice to have a photogenic model.


  6. How lucky Mr.Garry Armstrong is, i always read your posts and read how you’ve portrayed him in your stories, such a beautiful bonding of you both, ‘Husband Gallery’ is another charming one…God bless you both…love to see more of your posts and learn alott from those…thanks for sharing 🙂


  7. “Old guys rule.” Nice shirt Garry! (And yes, you’re quite photogenic, unlike me!)


  8. These are great Marilyn. I suppose he is not camera shy!


  9. Thanks, Mrs. A. You know my “good” side.
