me with debbie's camera

People give me more credit than I deserve. It’s the blogging. They see me as the person I portray. They don’t see me in a bad mood. They don’t have to deal with me when I’m not much fun to be around. All of us put our best foot forward, even if we don’t mean to do it. It’s normal and that’s part of the fun of blogging.

We get to put on our virtual party clothes and present ourselves the way we want to be. Which is fine. As long as you don’t believe your own publicity.

So last night, I was thinking (always a bad sign). I was thinking about yesterday’s prompt … about talking about what you know best that other people don’t know (or don’t know as well as you do). And I thought this terribly quotable thought:



You know what that means? Really? It means … (wait for it) … I’m a terrific “Trivial Pursuits” competitor.

Pride is one of the seven deadliest sins for good reason. It can get you into serious trouble. It’s not (pardon the pun) something to be proud of.


Categories: #Blogging, Daily Prompt, Humor

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17 replies

  1. I always say that I know enough to be dangerous. Ha!


  2. Blogging is a contrast to the mask we perhaps wear during the day. I call the time I usually write my blog “me” time. Everyone needs their “me” time when you can be what you want to be. Sometimes I take a break in cooking when there is a bird show in the garden for a photo. Perhaps my cats decide to climb a wall in the appartment. Take a break and watch. I must admit I am proud of my “me” time.


    • You are a good writer and I’m sure, one of these days, those Pulitzer people will find you.

      Like you, I’m proud of my writing skills, photography, other real accomplishments. I’m not proud of being alive. I figure even amoeba want to survive and will do whatever is necessary it. It’s not brave or valorous, not pride-worthy. I get a lot of credit for doing what I need to do, which makes me uncomfortable. Compliments to my writing ARE appreciated because I work at writing. And photography. But for just being “me?” Hardly praiseworthy!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You are doing just fine, Marilyn. We all need a little work now and then. Don’t sweat the small stuff.


    • The kind of writing I do these days is more like dessert than writing. After all those years of technical writing, it’s such a pleasure to just write because I want to 🙂 Photography has always been a hobby, so mostly, it’s nice to have an opportunity to show off a little. It’s when people get to thinking I’m some kind of special because I’ve been through a lot of shit that I get uncomfortable. I’ve been unlucky and managed to survive, but that doesn’t make me special, just alive!


  4. Well, I would not comment anything here since it may make you feel twitchy since I remember I called you brave once after reading your book. I think to be alive is definitely not to be proud of but being alive with all your dignity and self pride, remain strong to fight, chasing your dreams, writing hard hitting articles and most of all saying truth on such a powerful platform can be termed as bravery. Again my opinion……you may not comfortable 🙂


  5. I’m with you. People tend to view my as a sweet little old lady (I think) when reading my blog, and I’m far from that (old, yes – sweet?, probably not). That’s why I had to create my mirror blog – so I could write as a [sort of fictitious] nasty person without detracting from my original [mostly-real me] blog. Some readers actually seem to prefer that abrasive alter-ego to my normal blogging persona – go figure.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I suspect that women who have made it to this point in life are NOT sweet. We’d never make it if we were softies. Life toughens you up. I don’t thing ANYONE would call me sweet, at least no one who really knows me. I get kind of uncomfortable by all the accolades I get because I know how undeserved they are (mostly).

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well, I love reading your posts no matter how sweet or not-sweet you are. And personally, I think you deserve the accolades.


        • We write well. I always appreciate compliments from people who understand the art of of it — like you. But stuff about how brave I am always make me twitchy. Because I don’t think I am. I’m a survivor because like ever organism, I would rather be alive than not … but is that brave? Why is surviving something to be proud of? It makes me uncomfortable … at best. But thank you. I enjoy your writing too.


      • The accolades are well deserved. As for the rest of the stuff, I bow to the Coach again. “We are who we are”.
