A Photo a Week Challenge: Muted Colors

Color is an important part of photography. Some images work best with over-saturated colors; some work best with no colors (I love good black and white photographs). For this week’s challenge, I found a picture that I really liked, but was over-exposed. When I started working on it, I realized that if I muted the colors down, I was able to “save” the photo. And the result looks great and has a slightly nostalgic feel to it.

I love muted colors, the softer and more subtle the better. I had to make a decision. A hard decision. Two pictures out of 100,000.

Morning Mist

Both of these pictures were taken on Ogunquit Beach in Maine, in September. The time was just before five in the morning. It’s daybreak. Mist rolled in from the ocean during the night and has not been burned off by a rising sun. You can see these softest colors only during the earliest hour of light.


Categories: #Photography, Beach, Challenges, Dawn, Sunrise

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12 replies

  1. Very beautiful indeed !


    • It was a beautiful dawn and sunrise. I don’t know if I have the energy to get up quite that early any more … but maybe I will give it a try when the weather warms up a bit. It’s IS getting warmer and I think I can sniff spring in the air, finally 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful shots. It is hard to hold back sometimes and not saturate the images but these are just so soft and serene.


    • I’ve tried these with higher saturation, but they don’t look good. The sky pixelates and tiles. Everything gets grainy. This is what the beach really looked like, so I’m happy enough to leave it be.


  3. I can just imagine walking down those beaches looking for shells. Thanks Marilyn.


    • I have to admit I spent the entire time looking through the viewfinder. It was just after 4 in the morning when I got there. Still dark. Dawn and sunrise last about 40 minutes at that latitude, so my eye was glued to the camera. I got lucky and it was an amazing hour. Then I went home and drank a LOT of coffee 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Lovely photos of a lovely place.


    • Northern beaches have a look that no other beaches have. You can always tell when they are supposed to be on the Atlantic coast but are actually shooting the movie or TV show in California. It’s not the same. Not less beautiful, but different. And the Pacific is a different color than the Atlantic.


  5. Beautiful, Marilyn. Thanks for joining the challenge!


  6. Very nice photos 😉
