The Daily Prompt would like my thoughts on aging. 

First Senior Moment

The first senior moment …

If I have to give an opinion, other than “Wow, it sucks,” I think it should stop. Now. This minute. Alternatively, It could have waited another decade or three before rearing it’s wrinkled old head.


Thoughts on aging. What kind of question is that to ask me on the Sunday morning after Christmas? What a downer.

Categories: Cartoons, Daily Prompt, Humor

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34 replies

  1. That’s awesome, my mom mailed that Noah’s Ark cartoon to me a few weeks back. She loves to clip funny ones out of her paper and then mail them across the world to me, sometimes adding her own commentary. One of my favorites is two friends at a funeral. One says to the other something like “Joe lived such a long life, damn near outlived his student loans.”


  2. Aging is definitely not for the faint of heart but it beats the alternative or so we think. What I miss most is being able to do the physical work I use to do and now can only do about a quarter. Guess I should be glad I can do the quarter and get on with my day because it is all a gift. Cute cartoons. 🙂


    • I get tired so quickly … and begin to hurt even quicker. It IS frustrating, but looking around at how many people I used to count as friends who are gone, I figure I’m doing alright. Kvetching, but breathing.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I think I saw the classic WordPress editor in that museum window next to the typewriter…


  4. It something that happens to everyone else. We’re just getting mellow like a fine bottle of wine.


  5. You are only as you as you feel. This morning I feel ancient. Need I say more


  6. I try to just look on the bright side and remind myself that I’m younger now than I’ll ever be again……???


  7. Getting old is a bitch. It seams to take me twice as long to do half as much. Have a very Happy holiday.I just love the cartoons.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Yesterday was confessional day and today we are thinking about the eternal retirement lives. What a happy go lucky bunch those prompters must be. Lets just look on the bright side of life as your jokes show. It’s strange but my day still has its routine as it did before I was retired and I wouldn’t want it otherwise. I have a time to play and a time to work, and they go hand in hand. Things don’t clean themselves and I do not want to put my brain into the closet yet, it still has a few active cells. Have fun, stay active, and look after your coughs and colds. See, even those can be spread by internet.


    • That’s why I call them “The Daily Downer.” They are obviously too young to realize that this sort of thing has a much broader impact on we older citizens. But i got to roll out two of my favorite cartoons … and still keep the post to under 100 words 🙂


  9. I love the cartoons. Getting old is a bitch. I don’t know about anyone else but it takes me twice as long to do half as much. Have a wonderful holiday.


  10. As the saying goes, getting older can be tough, but the alternative is much worse …

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Good evening, logged in after a week. Being so busy. Very very busy and not very happy. I don’t know what’s happening in my life. I don’t want to do all this which I m doing now a days. Please forgive me for not reading & commenting regularly. Tarun’s boss has changed and the lady is very demanding as well as ambitious. So having a tough time. Hopefully things will improve & I will be back in action. You worry so sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You take care of yourself and your family. I’ll still be here. We’re supposed to be going away soon for a couple of weeks, so I’ll be missing more than a little until we’re back late in January. I hope. If all goes well. Garry went through so many bosses while he worked we actually couldn’t remember. More than 30, anyhow. Some were good, many were awful.

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  12. Love the first picture. I’ve seen it before but it’s so true and accurate.


  13. Well, it does happen. As a friend said not long ago, when he turned 60, he decided to REALLY turn 60, by upgrading to 6.0. when 6.1 comes along he’ll be familiar with the software, the OS, the way things work.
    For myself I plan on implementing the same procedure for 7.0 which I upgraded to last September, and am well on my way to discovering the programs involved (PHD1.2, Pharma3.0 and Mem2.5) and the new WryHumor App and Forgetfulness virus that seems to afflict all of us at some point. There is an AV.oops that handles things like that.

    I rely on experienced users for guidelines, since they have already been wherever I am now, hunting for glasses (oops, on the top of my head, silly me). where I left my sandwich (I think it just went out the door with the cat) and how to find things like shoes, boots, and the camera.

    My opinion is, it’s a bitch, but considering the choices…


    • I have always said — and meant it, still mean it — that getting old is a bastard, but the alternative sounds like even less fun.

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      • The first cartoon is hilarious and is a far better explanation of why there are no dinosaurs these days. “but the alternative sounds like even less fun.” I have to admit that I’m no longer sure if the alternative is less desirable. Both my Dad and others I’ve known have been resigned to it.., even welcoming it. Maybe there’s a point in the suffering where fighting it is counter protective?
