Daily Prompt – Life After Blogs:

Your life without a computer: what does it look like?

It looks like I’m dead.

Yeats in Sligo

Yeats in Sligo

Buried too. It’s not just the blogging. The computer is communication, photography processing, writing (for any reason), paying bills, shopping, entertainment.

So life without computers is not life. Ergo ipso, I must be dead.

Categories: Computers, Daily Prompt, Death and Dying

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36 replies

  1. Yes, it is difficult to imagine life without computers, our daughter, son in law and grandson live in Germany, it is so nice to see our grandson on Skype and talk to him:))


  2. What did we do before? Use typewriters?


    • Yes, and we had white-out and did a lot of retyping. Oh, and we had carbon paper. Remember carbon paper? And fabric ribbons. Yeah! Please don’t forget the thrill of mimeograph machines and that unremovable ink all over your nice clean shirt. The good old days!

      Honestly? The first time I got my hands on a computer in the early 1980s, I fell in love and have never lost my passion for technology. I don’t love all technology equally. But it has so improved my life, made it so much easier and more interesting. If I could go back in time, I’d really like to take a computer with me 🙂

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  3. If there were no computers, my wife and I would have to talk to each other!


    • We sometimes email each other. While sitting on the sofa. With our laptops.

      But, we also talk. And laugh. And fight. In other words, normal.


      • Same here. I was trying to be cute. But I’ll be working on photos and email my wife the image while she is sitting maybe 10 feet away. And then she emails me back critiquing it! We do still talk, though. Over dinner, in the car, etc. Wherever computers are not allowed or when there is no signal! 🙂


        • Or when we’re watching movies or TV … or making plans … or reminiscing, which we do pretty often. We talk a lot. We’re retired, so we are pretty much each other’s support system. And it’s okay. We’ve known each other forever and we know the same people. We have parallel histories. We are friends, not just married. The computer is a nice addition to our relationship, not a substitute for one.

          But for all the other stuff … the computer is a godsend.


          • I was being facetious, mostly. I am married to my best friend and we talk constantly!


            • Good. I think most of us do, actually. The computer is a plus, not a minus. It also gives me something to do when Garry’s watching old black and white gangster movies which he loves … and I don’t 🙂


              • Garry, I love those old movies. Please give me some titles to check out when you have a moment! Thanks!


                • Garry is quite the old movie maven. I will tell him you’re interested and I’m sure he’ll be interested back 🙂 That’s one of the few areas in which we are not mostly in agreement. Maybe it’s a guy thing.


                • Probably so. I remember insisting my wife watch Laura with me and she was so against the dialogue and premise of the movie that she ruined it for me. She did appreciate Casablanca, though!


                • I have learned to just shut up when Garry is watching one of the “classics” he so loves. He just gets mad at me, so I keep my snarky comments to myself … and write something or process pictures. We’ve been together a LONG time and I know when I’m beat. He loves some stuff I don’t love … so I do something else. As long as he doesn’t require me to pretend I love it too, I’m fine.

                  We both love Casablanca, even though it’s terrible history … it has some of the best dialogue ever.


  4. I love the way we can connect with people. When I traveled a letter would take a week to reach New Zealand from England or Austria. Now with Skype I can talk and see my daughter in Wellington at the same time – and she can show me her new apartment or something she brought. Or show me some of her work. I can live without my computer or iPhone for about 5 minutes


  5. I hear ya.


  6. then again, if there were no iphones and computers people would be putting out a LOT more personal effort to make sure other people were okay…

    Ive so far managed to keep it to a low rumble in the background, and after a few days of no computer I think I’d be okay. I think what would be a deal changer would be knowing no one else had one going, either. It’s one thing to lose YOUR connection to computerland, its another to realize everyone did. Not sure which would be worse.


    • It would be difficult. Because the regular mail is erratic and slow and getting ever worse. And most of the people about whom I care live too far away to visit. Some of us can’t hear on our telephones, either. It would be lonely for all of us.


  7. No, no, no we got pretty far, in the past, without any of this stuff no matter how much we have come to depend on it. I suggest watching one of my favorite animated movies a few times, “WALL-E.”


  8. Well we had better not have a power outage.

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  9. I really actually do it once a year without a computer – last year it was twice because my son got married. I do not take my computer with me when I go, but I have now put on the shopping list a new iPad with one of those chip things to make contact when I am isolated in the computer wilderness. Of course we are not addicted, but life is boring for us golden oldies without it. You cannot knit with a computer or even sew. I even need my online connection for my shopping list. Do you think they will put my www address on my gravestone when I go. Must check on that one.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I didn’t use my computer much for blogging while we were away, but I used it to process photographs, pay bills, keep up with email, and do all the other things I do by computer that used to be so much more difficult without one. I remember standing hours in line at the electric company and the banks to pay bills. Or mailing them and hoping they actually got to their destination before the due date. Being out of touch with most people who weren’t local …. often permanently. I didn’t like it then and I wouldn’t like it now.


  10. I thought it was going to be about how you have no life because you are constantly tethered to your digital universe–that ‘in real life’ never happens because you are just a click away from a virtual one. But it is true, when you are disconnected, it feels horrible and that death might be preferable. But then, you wake up to the realization that people have done without technology for thousands (hang on…gotta Google how long man has been standing upright–okay 1.89 million years ago) millions of years. The mind boggles at how far we’ve come–and how backward we’ve become in surviving blogless.

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    • You are right, as far as it goes. But. As you get older, the difference that technology has made is much more important. Until technology connected us, Grandma and Grandpa were lonely. Really alone and isolated. If the kids didn’t come round to visit, they were alone. If no one called? Or no when was home when they called? Silence. It’s good when you’re young and able to be out and about. I was and I enjoyed it. Now I can’t. To the elderly, to the disabled, to anyone with social issues … the Internet and electronic communications has been a blessing beyond imagining.

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  11. There was a time I might have disagreed. Not anymore.
