There was an interesting article in the news the other day. It concerned a porn site called I don’t know why it’s called that and I really don’t want to know.

They’re in the news because they closed off their website to anybody living in the state of North Carolina. Why? Because of the harsh, horrible anti-LGBT law they recently passed. If you log onto their website from anywhere in that state, you get a blank screen.

blank screen

Blank screen for you!

The tone of all the news reports and nightly talk shows was that this was a funny but useless protest. There are thousands of other porn sites where North Carolinians can … well you know. But, as usual, the main stream media and the nightly talk shows missed the real story. I am not offering an opinion on the virtues or evils of porn. However, there is a larger truth which is widely known but rarely talked about regarding the porn industry. Porn has been a major driver, financial backer, and early adopter of technological innovation since the beginning. Since forever.

When mankind started drawing on cave walls, I guarantee you some of the first things depicted were people getting some Neanderthal Nookie.

Porn was very popular in the Middle Ages. Moreover, it utilized some of the earliest encryption technologies. I saw an exhibit in a museum once that showcased one of them. The exhibit consisted of huge tapestries painted with very strange distorted images. You couldn’t tell what they were.

What were they? Porn. The artist would draw the original naughty painting on a regular canvas. He would then look at the painting’s reflection in a cylindrical mirror. The image in the mirror would be all distorted. He would then paint that distorted image onto the tapestry. If you looked at the tapestry the painting made no sense.

anamorphic art

But. If you looked at the tapestry’s reflection in the same cylindrical  mirror the artist used, the image would be reconstructed back to its original form. (“Naughty Knights 5”)

When photography was first invented in the 1800’s one of the earliest subjects was, of course, naked women. Having sex. When the telegraph was invented, telegraph operators were known to spend their off hours “telegraph sexting”.

I didn’t believe it either.

OPERATOR ONE: Who you talking to?

OPERATOR TWO: I don’t know, but she sure can dit my dot!

The VCR became popular because porn producers started switching to videotape, abandoning film. Finally, you didn’t have to go to a movie theater for porn. You could “bring it home.” VHS beat out Betamax because the porn industry chose VHS. Really. No kidding. That’s the way it happened.

Porn money propelled other technologies, too. Online payments, DVDs, streaming video, and two-way internet chat rooms. Virtual Reality headsets have only been available for a few months and there’s already Virtual Reality Porn.

(I wouldn’t know this personally, but I read a lot).

So here’s the real story that everybody has missed.  One porn site blocked off an entire state. It has been viewed as a symbolic, but mostly useless protest.

What if they all did it?  What if all the porn sites got together and said to North Carolina: “NO PORN FOR YOU!”

no porn for you

I’ll bet you that anti-LGBT law would be overturned in about an hour and a half! Maybe less. Then, the porn industry would realize it’s true power! Imagine, Lysistrata on a national, even a global, scale!

“You won’t do what we want? NO PORN FOR YOU!” All the porn industry needs to do is come together. Organize.

Organize into a cartel.
A conglomerate
 A Ring.

“One ring to rule them all. One ring to find them.

One ring to rule them all and in the darkness bind them.”

Pray they use their power for good.

Categories: Humor, Politics, Technology, Tom Curley

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24 replies

  1. A brilliant, incisive post, Pancho!
    Worthy of a toast to Harry Reems and John “Big Wad” Holmes.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve always liked the story about Lysistrata. Maybe women should band together to stop all wars.
    In Khajuraho, India, the temples have a lot of porn carved into the walls. You can see some of it in my video Khajuraho. It was posted on my site on February 5, 2016.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Leslie, you probably know that Spike (I’m a brilliant artiste”) Lee’s latest film is an update of “Lysistrata”. I’m not a Spike fan but will watch when it comes to a cable channel for oreos.
      I remember studying “Lys” in college. We were encouraged to think outside of the box. So, I did a paper framing my review as a “Playboy” article. Got an A+!!
      I like thinking outside the box.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I’ve seen the trailers. It looks to be very funny. There was a comic back in the sixties, Murray Roman. Funny funny guy. He had a routine about how to stop the race riots in the 60’s. You don’t send in thousand policemen, you send in a thousand hookers. Riot over.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Way to go Garry! I’ll keep an eye open for the film. Thanks for the heads up.

        Liked by 1 person

    • And this would include a much larger group. Not just married men. Single men, lonely men, Republicans.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I think they put the carvings on the walls to get people to go to temple? Novel idea and it probably worked.


        • I think the whole concept of Tantric yoga has sex as a kind of meditation. I don’t think it was intended as porn and probably isn’t in its own context. Just … well … Westerners have given sex the label of “dirty.” It isn’t a concept native to either Judaism or Christianity. It got stuck into the mix during the reformation via the Puritans and Calvinists who thought anything anyone enjoys has to be evil.

          Liked by 1 person

          • There wasn’t much meditation to some of those carvings, Marilyn. They were out and out sex in every position imaginable.


            • I know, but it had a different context. I’m not making this up and yes, I have seen the carvings to which you refer.

              Now the Chinese and Japanese are just fond of porn for its own sake, no religious context but the temple carving are on temples for a reason, even if they seem outright porn to us.

              Liked by 1 person

      • Even cowboys!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Fascinating insight. Gives a whole new (weird) slant to necessity being the mother of invention. I don’t think I will unpick this.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is one of the few industries with large amounts of cash on hand that they are willing to invest in new technologies.

      Liked by 1 person

      • It figures now you’ve explained it, but it’s not something that would have occurred to me otherwise. Easy to get locked into to the ever beneficial myth of technological development.


  4. I think I know why it’s called hamster and if you think about it I bet you know the origin tooooo 🐿

    Liked by 1 person

    • True, I just didn’t want to go there.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Pancho, maybe we should consider doing a reboot of “The Playboy Club”, showcasing today’s porn values.
        We could shoot it in your back yard with our own special guests.
        Affectionately yours,


  5. I kind of knew this, but didn’t really put it together. The power of sex is absolutely mind-boggling. It has toppled civilizations and destroyed the crowned heads of nations. Tomorrow … the world!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know. It’s a multi billion dollar industry. I always tried to get MarketWatch to do a story on it but they wouldn’t.


    • Tragically, the internet has killed the old “Playboy”. No more classic centerfolds or inspirational layouts. Senseless tragedy. A stroke book classic is a victim of progress and technology. It’s no longer the pure, classy porn of the good old days when everyone liked each other.

      Liked by 1 person