It was beautiful yesterday, one of the nearly perfect spring days with which New England is occasionally gifted. Spring isn’t our best — or even second-best — season.


It’s usually very short, often going from winter to summer in just a day or two. Sometimes, you barely have time to buy a pair of shorts when yesterday’s 40 degrees turns to ninety or more, with humidity to match.

We are having a reasonably good spring this year. There have been a few setbacks. The couple of early snows in April did some damage to the blooming daffodils, but I hope not permanent damage. The flowering trees are showing young leaves. Here, in our woods and along the rivers and canal, the trees are in bud, but not leaf. Hardwood — oaks and maples, sassafras, ash and others — are the last to fill out. Mid May, usually, though the maples may be a week earlier this year. Our trees are mostly bare.

The forsythia is flowering. The lilacs are full of leaves, but no flowers yet.


Soon. It’s lovely today. Warm and sunny and delicious. The earth is awake and everything is greening up.

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, River, Spring

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23 replies

  1. I can feel the change too. You both have shared some amazing pictures with us. Today I shared flowers and roads of Shimla.?


  2. Greener, better temperatures. Excellent.


  3. Looks like very pleasant weather. We’ve been enjoying a long, golden autumn which is lovely but we need some rain now and luckily got some over the past two days.


  4. Enjoy these precious days. You’re right, spring can be quick. It’s too bad since it’s so lovely to watch trees and grass waking up after months of cold, snow and rain, depending of our regions.


  5. I love the bridge photo – so peaceful looking. I wish I were sitting on that bench just reading a book or gazing over the water, maybe with a tall glass of iced tea.


  6. It is funny, we get greener as it goes into winter. More moisture on the ground with the heavy dew as well as more rain. The height of summer means very brown hills. Great photos


    • That sometimes happens here in the fall too … right before it gets really cold. Especially if the season brings a lot of hurricanes which come with torrential rains.


  7. Still cool here. The Forsythia is still in shock but spring bulbs are out.


  8. Such a beautiful day- I love the photo of the bridge over the water. You are fortunate to live in such a beautiful area Marilyn.


  9. My second ex (not the evil one) used to say at the traffic light, “It’s not getting any greener.”) That cannot be said of nature. 🙂


  10. Nice to get out and take pics.


  11. It sure is starting to green up. 😀
