still waters

He had always loved calamari. In fact, he loved squid in every form in which it could be prepared. Italian-style,  in red sauce. With balsamic vinegar as salad. Fried, baked, stuffed or pickled. With ink or in butter sauce and garlic, it was all delicious to him.

His wife teasingly told him that one day a giant squid mother would come up from the deep and grab him, crying “You ate my children!”

And that’s exactly what happened (minus the shouting), that day. He was walking alone, by the quiet waters. By the gentle sea as the shades of evening drew on, a long, dark tentacle snaked up the sand. Before he had time to recognize what was happening, he felt himself being dragged out to sea.

As the waters closed over his head, his final thought was “Damn. My wife was right! Again!”

Thursday photo prompt – Still water… #writephoto

Categories: Fiction, Humor

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23 replies

  1. So funny! Yep, they never learn, do they.


  2. Hating the thought of eating all things tentacled, I should be safe from that danger… A large and vengeful crab, however, might be something else…


  3. Ha ha! This is great. We humans will never learn – nature will get us back eventually, it’s just lying in wait haha :p. KL ❤


  4. They always hate to admit it too!


  5. Ha! Of course she was right!


  6. Poor chap. Ha ha 🙂



  1. Walking by Still waters by Marilyn Armstrong #writephoto | Sue Vincent – Daily Echo
  2. Photo prompt round up– Still waters… #writephoto | Sue Vincent – Daily Echo