Share Your World – 2016 Week 37

Have you ever owned a rock, pet rock, or gem that is not jewelry?

I have rocks. They didn’t come in a box titled “pet rock” and I admit I have never given them names. But I have kept small semi-precious rocks in a bowl by my bed for many years. I used to know the properties and “vibrations” of many rocks. Now, I only remember a few of them. I like holding them.


It turns out that taking pictures of rocks is actually a bit trickier than I thought it would be. My photo exercise for the day!


The answer is take your light reading on the lightest colored rock in the collection — and make sure your hair hasn’t fallen into the picture.

What is your greatest strength or weakness?

Strength: A sense of humor.

Weakness: A tendency to obsess about things and drive everyone (including me) nuts.

What makes you feel grounded? 

Knowing the bills are paid, the dogs are fed, there’s food in the fridge, and oil in the tank.

Would you rather never be able to eat warm food or never be able to eat cold food?

I tend to eat most things pretty much in the middle. Very cold or hot makes my teeth hurt. So I’m good, either way. The only thing I like hot is coffee and the only thing I like cold is ice cream.

Categories: Humor, Personal

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24 replies

  1. I adore your rock collection. The green one is malachite. 😀


  2. Those rocks are real beauties. I have a pair of sandals that have holes in their soles. I would use them to pick up rocks while travelling. Some countries are very touchy about you picking up items encase they have historical value. Still have those stones from my sandals.


    • What a clever idea! Over the years, I found some very interesting stones, though nothing rare. Just pretty and/or interesting. I would get back from wherever I’d been and discover rocks in my pockets, in my camera cases, in the bottom of my purse, in my wallet. Wherever I could find a little space, I stuck a rock. But I didn’t save everything. We are in the off-loading phase of life. No more gathering in.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Love your photo of your “rocks”- all beautiful stones. Malachite, Amethyst, Rhodonite(the pink) Tiger’s Eye. Hematite, Turquoise. I always love the feel of polished stone in my hand


    • Thank you for actually knowing what they all are. Almost no one knows which are which. These are my favorites along with rose quartz. My granddaughter “borrowed” my rose quartz for some reason (school project?) … so I don’t have it anymore. I can always get another piece. I have always liked the stones in my Native American jewelry more than the silver. I don’t even know why.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Love your gems 🙂


  5. Pretty rocks 🙂


  6. I have a rock on my kitchen island table named “Potato Rock.” I can’t tell you the number of folks think they can peel that thing.., I encourage trying, just not with my knives… 🙂


  7. I seem to be collecting cameras and lens at the moment to take photos of the stuff I show in the various challenges. The rocks look good, but we never went into collecting rocks. Mr. Swiss collects music and I collect problems it seems to me, but we will overcome.


    • I collect everything, but only a little bit. That’s my entire rock collection. I can carry it with one hand. I’ve added just one rock in the past five years.

      But problems? I also seem to collect them, and since they don’t need to be put on a wall or shelf, there’s lots of room for more 😁


  8. i love rocks and collect them wherever i go –

