Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge: February 19, 2017

My husband does some funny stuff. He carefully stacks up all the doggy toys then laughs hysterically when they all fall down. And he does it very carefully, making sure that each toy in carefully placed where he feels it belongs.




All of these make me laugh. But.The one that really makes me laugh are the ones Garry writes on the whiteboard on the refrigerator. These remind him what special goodies he needs to feed Bonnie and Gibbs.

Because it's important to know what you need to feed those furry people!

Because it’s important to know what you need to feed the furry people!


Categories: #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, dogs, Humor

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14 replies

  1. Happy dogs, happy home.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Marilyn, your odd balls this week are such fun and of course adorable. 😀

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  3. Mars and Venus you know… that book spoke the truth 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I remember it well 🙂 My husband is deep in the important parts of life: making the dogs happy! He makes me happy too, but there is real delight in the dogs. They give him a sense of real joy that nothing else offers him. I think he will never leave this house because somewhere else, we couldn’t have dogs!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Men seem to have a different sort of logic when composing shopping lists. The necessities of life are different. I got interested so had a look at our cloud list. Mr. Swiss began the list with Cat litter – how thoughtful. It seems that great male minds think alike.

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    • I think it was the cat litter that did us in. I was thinking about another cat, but then I looked outside with all the predatory animals and worse, the cars. I know there aren’t a LOT of cars, but when they come by, they go so fast. TOO fast. Dogs you can keep in the yard, but cats will go where they go and I’ve lost so many to cars through the year. So, for now, we’ll stay with dogs.

      We give our furry ones a little “bump” of peanut butter with dinner. It keeps them from complaining about how dinner is not to their liking. Gibbs will eat ANYTHING, but Bonnie is a bit pickier, these days. Age, I suppose.

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    • Mrs. Swiss, we have our priorities straight!! The furry kids’ needs must be met with precision!!

      Lest we forget!

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