This was the March 5th 2017 cover of the New York Daily News.

What was newsworthy was not that they were reporting that our ”Commandeer In Chief“ is nuts. We’ve all known that for a couple of years.  What was newsworthy was that it was on the front page. The incident that caused everybody to notice he was nuts wasn’t the story.  The story was the fact that the President of the United States is Nuts.

I wrote a post  a while back pointing out that this is the story on which the media needs to focus.  I thought it was a long time ago.  When I looked it up, it was only a few weeks ago.  Things move fast in Trump Time.

Since I wrote that post, it’s been happening.  The press is covering his insanity more and more. It’s great, but they can’t let up.  We have to stop looking at this from a political perspective.

Whether you like him or hate him, he is suffering from a severe mental illness.  The diagnoses vary, but he is definitely mentally ill.  We all have family and friends who suffer from dementia, Alzheimer’s, Narcissism, and more. When they reach a certain point, you have to take control of the situation.

You might have to put them in a home

Make sure they get help.

You might have to take the away the car keys.

You might have to put special locks on the door so they can’t wander off. 


But. There’s one thing you don’t do.


Here’s the original post.


In almost all TV cop shows and movies, the bad guy, usually a mad psychotic, a mad genius or a mad psychotic genius, is always one step ahead of the good guys.



For at least the first half of the show, the good guys keep getting caught in the bad guy’s traps.



Or (and?) the bad guy keeps escaping at the last minute.



Inevitably, at some point (usually about half way through the show) the chief good guy says: “We’re constantly playing catch up. We gotta get ahead of this guy.” This is when someone on the team, usually the brilliant but nerdy computer expert, will find a tidbit of information which leads the good guys to finally capture or kill the bad guy. The end. Stay tuned after the break for scenes from next week’s episode.

Only two weeks after #45’s rule … it seems impossible, but it has really been two weeks!



We’ve learned a few things.

  • As bad as we all thought #45 would be, it’s a hundred times worse.
  • #45 is not going to “pivot” or become “Presidential”. He is actually doing every crazy thing he said he was going to do during the campaign. No matter how stupid, counter-productive, or dangerous.
  • We have learned who the current President actually is. Steve Bannon.


He is the one writing all these insane executive orders. The guy running the country (this week at least) is an avowed White Supremacist who has stated that he wants to blow up the government. He wants a world-wide “Crusade” against Muslims and he considers himself “The Thomas Cromwell to the court of the Tudors”.



Yeah, he really said that. I’m surprised he knows who Thomas Cromwell is. I wonder if he knows what happened to Mr. Cromwell.



  1. The government has been turned into a very, very bad reality show.
  2. The press has been declared to be “The Opposition Party”. The enemy of the state. Fake News. Or as I think they are going to become, “The Good Guys”.

In our new, very bad Reality Show, we’re early in the first half of the show. The media are constantly playing catch up. They have to react to every insane tweet. Every blatant lie. Every horrific executive order. Before they can fully expose how crazy the last tweet or lie is, another one comes out.

This is not the way to handle these chuckle heads. The press has to get ahead of these guys. And we don’t need a brilliant but nerdy computer genius to do it. The press hasn’t caught on yet, but they are the people driving this administration.  It’s been reported extensively that #45 has the attention span of a puppy.



He obsessively watches cable news.  He then goes off on a twitter rant over whatever it is that he sees.

This is how you get ahead of him. Don’t react to the latest tweet with hours of dissection.  Report it and keep going back to a single narrative, a single point.

The point: “Is The President of the United States Mentally Ill?”

It’s a question being raised more and more all over the world.

“There’s something wrong with this guy.”

“This is not normal.”

“This guy is nuts.”



This is a valid question and the kind of thing cable news is really good at. Cable news spends much more time putting pundits and “experts” on the air to blather over the latest tweet or the last lie than actually doing investigative reporting. Let’s start getting experts and pundits talking about this for real.

The current resident of the Oval Office is a textbook case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder (yes, you can have multiple personality disorders at the same time).



This is something both my wife and I are intimately familiar with. Both of our exes suffered from the former. Here is a test sample question from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The DSM-V.


Any of that sound familiar?

Now, when the press starts asking these questions, the blowback from the administration will be intense. Which is great. Why are they so defensive? Does the President have something to hide? I personally don’t know, but I hear lots of people saying  that the President is loony as a tick. (See, we can do that trick too). But in this case


The President has to have an annual physical exam — which he never did, by the way — so, why not a psychological exam?  This needs to become the narrative of the day. Every day. From now on. No matter what “President Bannon” orders. Whatever Cheesy McCheese Head tweets, we have to keep coming back to this topic.


It’ll work. We gotta get ahead of this guy.

Categories: #American-history, Humor, Mental health, Politics, Tom Curley, U.S. Constitution, You can't make this stuff up

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14 replies

  1. Re: the DSM-V quote… have you seen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp6BIDCZRic.

    While 44.5 might be nutz – those propping him up are probably not. Sociopaths maybe – but not nutzo.


    Liked by 1 person

    • That is always a worrisome question. My husband wanted to talk about that last night … why the current congressional Republicans aren’t trying to protect themselves from the wrath of their followers … and make no mistake, they are doing things that WILL hurt them, badly.

      My answer was that I think they really don’t care. For whatever reason, they just don’t.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Possibly, but i have another theory – they are waiting to see which way the chaff falls before deciding on what is best for their own self interest – which is only loosely tied, in these times, to what is best for their constituents interests, if at all. 😦



      • They live in a delusional bubble that says they are in protected districts and will never be voted out. And it’s been true since 2010 due to Gerrymandering. Look up how many Rep. congressmen run UNOPPOSED in their districts. It will amaze you. They might be in for a surprise.


    • definitely


  2. I sense a lot of frustration and anger here.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What is most interesting is that the Post is NOT any kind of liberal anything. It’s even further right than the News.

    New York doesn’t LIKE this guy. Neither do I. The Globe hasn’t got anything nice to say about him either, but of course, the Globe is a subsection of the Times. I don’t know what’s going on in the Herald. Garry would know that.

    Interesting. Good interesting.

    Liked by 1 person