This blog isn’t about The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It’s about how to solve the problem of how the Cheeto Benito can be removed from office.

The solution involves warped time.


There has been endless discussion since Nov 8th 2016 of how Scrotus gets removed. Does he get impeached? Can we invoke the 25th amendment? Will he just say, “Oh fuck it, I quit.”? Will aliens land on the White House lawn, lift him out of the Oval Office on a tractor beam, load him into the ship, say to the world “You’re Welcome. You owe us one.” And then leave?


The thing is that we don’t need any of those scenarios, although you have to admit that last one would be way cool.

The solution, is time. Specifically, warped time. That and the fact that we have term limits. A president can only serve two terms of four years each. That adds up to eight years. At least that’s what my calculator says.

Time being relative, we all accept the same common time frame. A second is a second long because the Bureau of Weights and Standards says so. It could have been a little longer. It could have been a little shorter. But that’s the length they decided. I am sure it was for very sound scientific reasons relating to the length of our day and other astrological stuff. I’m frankly too lazy to Google it.


So, we all agree that a second is a second and none of us are traveling the speed of light, so we don’t have to worry about  Einsteiny  relativistic kinds of things.

The other thing we all agree on — literally most of the planet — is that the First 100 Days of this administration feels like 10 YEARS. You hear it everywhere. From all over. We share this same warped time perception, which makes it real.

That means he’s been in office for 10 years! He is TWO YEARS PAST HIS TERM LIMIT!

He needs to vacate the premises immediately! Somebody has to get in there and take over! And whoever does it, is owed two years back pay.

Categories: Humor, Politics, President, satire and parody, Sci Fi - Fantasy - Time Travel

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13 replies

  1. Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom. (Space)Time isn’t warped – it’s TOTALLY BENT!! At least according to Douglas Adams – and i trust(ed) Him.

    BTW… if your hypothesis is correct then it is now 2027 and i want my hoverboard! 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    • Well now, that sure is different! Was that actually like — on the radio — and all? It’s a little hard to hear, but it sure is different! It might be a real HIT now.


      • John Dowie was one of the oddball poet-comedians thrown up by the British punk rock scene, along with John Cooper Clarke and Patrik Fitzgerald. ‘Time Warp’ was on his ‘Another Close Shave’ EP, I think.


    • OK. Right up there with “Fish Heads”


  2. I was SO freaked out when I caught the news this afternoon I started looking for a capsule into which I could seal myself. I know this has been a bad year, but we need that warp at (pardon the pun) WARP SPEED. Time cannot pass nearly fast enough for me. Where is one of those timey wormholes you always read about in time travel books? I’m ready to jump right in and damn the butterflies.

    Liked by 2 people