Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge: May 7, 2017

Today being my son’s 48th birthday — and me clearly wondering how I got old enough to have a son who can sign up for AARP — today’s oddballs are the kind of pictures we all have tons of. Birthday pictures! Don’t we all have drawers full of these shots? Of the babies and toddlers. Of the little kids blowing out the candles, and the big kids getting a special something.

This is my son, getting his special present for this year. Happy birthday, Owen.


Categories: #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, celebration, Portrait

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38 replies

  1. The look on the Minion says it all 🙂


  2. Happy Birthday to Owen. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I taught Owen one of his first phrases — “You dirty rat!!”


  4. Everyone needs a Minion. Happy Birthday, Owen. (Great picture, too!)


  5. He looks so happy Marilyn, you guys did something right. A big hug and a very Happy Birthday to Owen.


  6. Happy Birthday, Owen!


  7. Happy Birthday to Owen!!


  8. Very cool Minion, and happy birthday to him! He’s just a few months older than me 🙂


  9. Happy Birthday to Owen! He still has two more years to go before AARP. Once he reaches that magic age of 50 then the discounts begin!! Blessings to Owen, you and Garry!!


  10. I can’t see the pictures in the gallery 😦 I wonder why.


  11. Yesterday they were kids, time goes so fast. Lovely photos.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks. I only get pictures of him on his birthday. If I forget the camera, I’d never get any pictures. Not only can’t I figure how I got old enough to have a kid this old, but how I managed to have this insanely tall kid. I’m such a shrimp!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Mrs. Swiss, I’m Owen’s stepfather and godfather. I remember when he was a toddler in diapers. Yesterday, when we were young.


      • Tell me about it. I now have a two sons, one will be 48 this year and the other 43 and Mr. Swiss is already a great grand father. Time goes far too quickly. I don’t even think I could remember how to change diapers. We are still young, just a matter of perspective.
