When I worked with NASA — a long time ago now — I had to do a large, complicated study on what kind of unit they should design to retrieve satellites in space. The NASA guys believed anything with fewer than three arms would be worthless. It turns out satellites do interesting things. Not just rolling, but doing a sort of shimmy — like a spit ball in space. Despite more than 700-pages of diagrams and explanations, the financial wizards decided on only two arms. Which, as their own scientists had noted, didn’t work.

Neptune from 1989 Voyager

They were still putting all the space travel stuff on television, so when the “satellite catching” event came up, I had to watch it. “Hey,” I told Garry, “I was the lead writer on the study for this device.” I was, too.

The multi-million dollar satellite catcher did not work. Eventually, the astronaut grabbed the satellite with his arms and pulled it in. It turned out, they didn’t need any kind of special catcher because even very big things are weightless in space. So much for a lot of scientists, artists, writers, and editors working on this monumental study. I worked 7-days a week for five weeks. Which was seriously good overtime money, even if the study was a bust.

1989 shot of earth’s arctic ice

The really interesting thing — other than the complete waste of time that the project represented — was I got to talking with my NASA scientist. It was 1988. They already knew about things like anti matter — something I thought was a science fiction thing.

My guy said “Oh, no. We know it’s there. We just have to figure out how to get some.”

I said “Well, what would you do with it?”

Yes, we CAN!

He laughed. “Oh, I don’t know. Destroy the world. Maybe the universe.” And he wasn’t kidding. A very little bit of that could go a very long way towards un-glueing our universe.

Soon thereafter, I quit that job. It had begun to make my brain do barrel rolls in my head. I had nightmares. Every now and again, I still have those nightmares. Because sooner or later, those scientists will find a way to get their hands on some anti-matter. A slip of the finger later …

Categories: #Photography, Anecdote, Science

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23 replies

  1. Give me the goose bumps for the impressive work you made and the NASA guy’s words.


    • My work was just work. They did the thinking. I organized the material into a project. The hard part was getting other writers to do their jobs. I hated being the boss. It wasn’t a title. It rotated and every writer was a boss on some projects, but nobody (thankfully) was boss for them all. It just happened I landed a gigantic project, but at least it was interesting.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Do you know the man who sold me the Moon for $500? Tell him I want my money back.


  3. I can’t decide if I’m pro-matter or anti-matter….


  4. Whoa! You had high clearance and still keep asking me to divulge names in high profile stories I’ve covered.

    Are you using the dogs as covert agents??

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m waiting for someone to invent a device to send all missiles back to sender. That would put a stop to a lot of this nonsense.


  6. I don’t think it is so much the scientists we have to worry about as the politicians and industries that fund them.


  7. Ooh, this all sounds a bit familiar. I hope they don’t decide to try a matter/anti-matter collision on the moon… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I figured you’d notice 😀

      My comment on your post was inspirational. I had a whole little blog half written. The NASA guys were really incredibly smart, but not sure how to button their own shirts. I get shivers thinking about what would happen should they get their hands on anti-matter.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. What good can it bring

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Interesting. Just wondering what would you have done with it if it was discovered when you were on the job?

    Liked by 1 person