Symphony is a T-stop in Boston … the underground subway adjacent to Symphony Hall, middle of downtown. I’ve always enjoyed that we have a T-stop called “Symphony.” I’m sure someone could write a little symphonic piece that would somehow represent the subway, the streets, and the hall. Maybe it has already been done. No one tells me anything.

And then, there is Symphony Hall. It’s where the Boston Symphony Orchestra plays, but it’s also where the Boston Pops plays. There’s a major redecoration between symphony and pops season, too.

I think our “symphony winters” have ended, but I will always miss them!

Categories: #Photography, Arts, Daily Prompt, Music

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16 replies

  1. Good Post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. In this area, there is the regular symphony season, and then there’s a shortened “introductory” season of 4 Sunday afternoon concerts in which they play only the main piece from the night before — the cost is still high, but not so outlandish that one can’t afford to attend.


  3. What a wonderful collection of photos making their own symphony! Love them!


  4. Love the photos, Marilyn. What a lovely name for a subway station.


  5. Interesting photos of places I will never see, but have heard of.


    • Symphony Hall is lovely. It’s almost exactly the same as the one in New York – same architect, same mid-1800s construction. What’s most impressive, though, is the sound. Symphony hall sounds great.


  6. LOVE the photos! I imagine they bring back some pretty happy memories too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • They do have wonderful memories — and i took a LOT of pictures, too. We used to get free tickets, so we went every year, but we don’t get those tickets anymore. The price of a couple of seats now is breathtakingly high. But we were regulars for a decade and it is definitely happy memory time!


      • I’m really sorry that isn’t the case now. I had an opportunity to attend while we lived in Vancouver. It was a one time deal that meant worlds to me. I remember it with great fondness and even longing. A treasured moment in time for me, and I imagine you as well. How incomparable to have such memories and to have shared in those moments.


        • I was lucky to have grown up in two cities where art and culture are a positive thing. Great museums, top quality dance troops, orchestras, publishers … and a lot of universities with associated medical facilities and libraries … and so on. It does make a difference. A huge one. Boston didn’t have quite as many venues as New York, but culture was important, valued, and encouraged. It is the one really GOOD part of living in a city. You don’t get that living in a small town in the middle of nowhere.
