My partner in crime, also known as my husband — Garry Armstrong — is finally thinking about writing a book. Possibly, in collaboration with one or more people with whom he worked. I’m only mentioning this on the theory that he can use all the encouragement he can get.

I think he would love to have written it … but it’s such a commitment, you know? I don’t blame him for worrying about it. Writing any book — even a very small book without references to real events which require dates and places — is a lot more work than it seems on the surface.

Still, he has stories to tell.  It seems at least a few people might want to read it and he is a very good writer. If I promise to do as much of the editing I can (I am not one of the world’s great proofreaders — anyone who has read my book already knows that), it lifts one piece of the burden. Nonetheless. it is still work.

Those of you out there who have written one or more books know. I think I have more authors in my following than any other blogger I know. Which of you hasn’t written a book? Some of you have written bunches of books and you know how hard the work is and how difficult it can be to get it done right — and how frustrating it can prove to find people to read it.

He has interesting stories to tell, so that has to count for something, right?

Categories: #Work, #Writing, Author, Garry Armstrong

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41 replies

  1. Why don’t we have a sign up sheet and everyone take a turn nagging Garry to write? I definitely would want to read his book. I see no reason it has to flow like a novel. It can be episodic- each chapter or section dealing with one “legend”. And the unifying element would, or could, be Garry’s growth as an interviewer or “legend” himself!


    • He really is considering it, which is the first time I’ve gotten the feeling he might actually do it. Since he retired, he has been very reluctant to commit to anything requiring he do something he is “supposed” to do. And he gets really pissy about being nagged, so I don’t. I’ve offered ALL my support … but he has to want to do it. I think maybe we’re getting there. Don’t give up! There’s hope!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I am not a writer, nor do I play one on TV. But I would like to offer encouragement. I can’t imagine there are many professions that can claim to have seen as much in the way of interesting stories and people as a newsman… and even if it’s only written to preserve those stories for posterity, I think it would be well worth the effort.


  3. Nothing defeats ambition and progress like fear! (Unless it’s Apathy, but Garry does not strike me as the apatheric kind!) 🙂

    Think about the reasons you should write a book; think about who you might like to collaborate with – it might be a very long project on your own? and then tell the fear to Shove It !

    We all know Samoan Americans are tough and can do anything they put their minds to, right? 😉

    As should be obvious from the above – you have a boatload of supporters to cheer you on if you need it. 🙂

    If YOU want to do it – Just Do It! 🙂



  4. Certainly I would read it! I find that when someone writes about people and events that they actively interacted with they bring such an amazing perspective to things.


  5. I do hope that he decides to do it even though it will be a lot of work. I always enjoy reading his stories about the famous people he’s met. Of course I would not know who some of the Boston people he’s worked with were but Garry tells a story well. I would not only read it i would pay money to read it.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. do it Garry!! Just do it! (as the saying goes) 🙂


    • I actually think he may give it shot this time because it wouldn’t be just him, but he, Tom and a couple of other people that all worked that era in TV and media. And it could make a really interesting book as each person gives his own perspective. And no one would have to come up with the whole 400 pages, either.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. One page at a time, Garry. One page at a time. You can do it!


  8. I have yet to read the book I have written and published and received an award for. I just know I am going to find an error that was missed during the 8 times I proofed it and the times friends proofed it and from my editor’s proofreading efforts. And it took a few years but now it’s done. Woo hoo!! I’m so glad I wrote it. Garry has a jump on me as he is already familiar with writing stories, whereas I was a novice. It ought to be a piece of cake for him! Write on, Garry!!


    • Well, yes and no. Garry wrote for news and blogging is the first time in many years he had to write for readers, not listeners. Something longer is going to be a stretch for him.

      My book has tons of typos. It makes me crazy looking at it. But I’m better working on someone else’s work than on my own!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. About time, I say 🙂 Garry’s story is one that should be told…he has a unique perspective to share on a slice or two of history.


  10. A page or a blog post a day for a year will be a book.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Not really. I’ve read several books that were made from blogs. They don’t really read like a book. They just read like a lot of blogs stuck together.


      • I was referring more to how the work and time involved can be similar. Breaking it down to a page or a blog post a day seems less daunting. Also, the blogging process can be more motivating because of the instant gratification.

        Liked by 1 person

        • That’s always theoretically possible, but it doesn’t really work like that. You have to write as long as you need do when you have something to say. It isn’t a “page a day” and at the end of the year, you have a 365 page book. Writing is an art, not a science. I wish it DID work that way. It would be a lot easier.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Page a day is just an example. I figure whatever can spark motivation is helpful since it seems that the attempt to write a book often never reaches fruition. Writing is an art but I think knowing the science of human behaviour can help with artful pursuits.


  11. how cool that would be!


  12. yippee! He’ll be documenting a part of history that he was personally involved with, in a very interesting time period. I’m definitely buying the book.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Jump in and don’t look back.
