Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Well, dear, are you ready?
Inga: Yes, Doctor.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Elevate me.
Inga: Now? Right here?
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Yes, yes, raise the platform.
Inga: Oh. Ze platform. Oh, zat, yah, yah… yes.

Categories: Humor, Movies

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63 replies

  1. Wait! COME BACK! I was going to make ESSPESSO!




  3. Dr. Frankenstone: Igor? Help with the bags!
    Igor: Okay then, you take the blonde and I’ll take the one in the turban….
    BWAHAHAHA! (okay stopping now)


  4. Inga: “Want a roll in the hay?” Begins rolling back and forth in the haystack in the wagon…. I love this film… ❤ Thanks for the trot down Memory Lane!


  5. Loved this movie! Went with a friend to see this movie when it first came out. I am a huge fan of Mel Brooks’ movies when you need a laugh they are perfect!


  6. Mel Brooks is a Genius! 🙂

    ” Wait master – It might be dangerous! You go first!”



  7. Funnily enough my sister sent me a list of “30 Funniest Movies”she’d found the other day with the comment. “Young Frankenstein ought to be in this list. “. She watched it the other week too for the umpteenth time.


  8. Oh Sweet Mystery of Life!


    • At last! I’ve found YOUUUUU ….

      Liked by 1 person

        • Madelaine Kahn was a classmate of Garry’s — as well as Susan Sullivan. They used to do “scenes” together in drama class. I don’t think any of them actually graduated.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Why graduate when you can sing, “Springtime for Hitler”?


            • Garry went to school with a bunch of people who became genuinely really famous. Hofstra in those early years had a fantastic drama department. It was an easy college to get into and it was not expensive. Garry went using some credits he got for being (briefly) in the Marine Corps (they threw him out when they realized he was too deaf to hear the cry “Over the hill, boys!”). But even if you had just a part-time job, you could manage a few courses. When Garry started, it was $17/credit and there were no dorms. It was a commuter school. My first husband had a “thing” with Susan Sullivan. Garry just did scenes in class.


  9. The artwork is fantastic! Did you make it yourself?



  10. LMAO love Mel Brooks. Has his stamp all over it doesnt it?


  11. chuckling away, just thinking about it.


  12. Such a great film. So many cracking one liners. Were wolf. There wolf…

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Oh dear, am ashamed to say I have never watched it, but may do now. I like funny horror films, if they are really funny.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Igor to Dr. Frankenstein, “Walk this way.”

    Greatest movie of all time. I never tire of watching it.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. One of my very favorite movies. And yes, if I turn down a named drink, my wife will offer me several more, always ending with Olvatine….

    Liked by 1 person

    • There was a period when the movie was on every night on one or another cable channel. We own the movie, but we could never resist one more viewing. I think we memorized the whole thing. We watched it again last week. Ah Mel!

      Liked by 3 people

      • It’s been a couple of years since I’ve seen it. Our DVD is at the “camp” on the Cape, so I can’t pull it out tonight. The thing is, it isn’t just “Mel” – I think this movie works so well because Gene Wilder wrote the basic script and then had Mel come in and edit it and direct it. It does have the over the top Mel Brooks thing going, but there is a dry undercurrent that I think comes from Gene.

        Liked by 2 people

  16. “Put. The candle. Back!”

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Dr. Froderick Fronkenstein (admiring castle’s front door): “Oh, what lovely knockers!!”
    Inga (Blushing) “Oh, oh, why THANK YOU, Doctor!!”

    Liked by 1 person