This is one of those posts that requires you to have a passing familiarity with a variety of classical (by which I mean, not modern pop) music. If you played in the orchestra in high school, studied piano or bass or flute or violin, or have a secret passion for Chopin, Beethoven, Vivaldi … well, the list is a bit too long, but hopefully you get the idea. These are for you.

My favorite is BERLI-OS! With a Harold In Italy action figure in every box! And the Walking Dead Composers.

I hope I’m not the only one who could read the notes in Brahms …

Categories: Cartoons, Humor, Music

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20 replies

  1. Quiz: If you have Wrestling Stadium beside an Opera House, which one will be full?
    No points will be given.


  2. Born Tuba Wild for me! 😉

    Berli-oz was pretty cute though.

    Reading the Brahms??? – fell asleep at F 😉



    • It was funny because I didn’t read the caption (forgot) so I looked at the music and by the second line, realized I could still READ MUSIC and hear it in my head! it has been many long years since I read music off a page without having an instrument with which to “sound it out.” I was so proud of my little self!


  3. My faves are — Easy Rider and The Walking Dead. Walking Dead could be on “Criminal Minds” with special music score.


  4. i am totally with the walking dead composers, i am sure they must have a few good funeral pieces in their repertoire


  5. I guess better a Harold in Italy action figure than a Faust one…. (


      • Actually, of all the takes on Faust out there, I like Berlioz the best by far.


        • We performed Christopher Marlowe’s “Dr. Faustus” as a radio show in college. At the radio station. It started out as a final paper for my Elizabethan lit course, but wound up a massive production effort involving almost the entire staff of the station (it wasn’t that big, however). I did get an A, which I most certainly deserved if not for the originality, at least for the hard work! So when I think of Faust, I never think “music.” All I can think of is producing the entire play in the master control of the basement of the Little Theater at Hofstra. It’s one of the truly dark secrets of my past.

          Liked by 1 person

          • I know little about that version of the story. I hate to admit, but I know Christopher Marlow mostly by comparisons to his younger, and more famous, contemporary. I’m glad you got an A – I hope the radio audience appreciated it!

            I think that Berlioz, like all Romantics, based his version on Goethe, but with a very French accent/twist. In music, I also really like The Faust Symphony by Liszt – it is three character sketches, with the third, Mephistopheles, not having any original material but just variations of themes from other two (Faust and Gretchen), as true evil (at least as defined by Liszt) can’t create, only corrupt.


            • I earned that A! I’m not sure the audience appreciated it … but we didn’t have much of an audience at that point (early college radio station with only a 10 watt signal), but WE appreciated it, or at least appreciated how hard we had worked to convert a stage play into a radio show … and we did the entire play. I learned to “write” in Elizabethan (sort of) English for the transitions which would normally have been people bustling about. As for the music, I like Liszt best of the bunch, but I’m not sure any of the music captures the mood. I think we try to make the devil sound too evil. If he were that obviously evil, even stupid humans would keep away. But he lures us to him with lovely, sweet lies … and THAT is why he is dangerous.

              Liked by 1 person

  6. My vote is for the Walking Dead Composers. And Santa with the cello. LOL



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