I cannot blame Windows. It was me, or rather … me and a dysfunctional Malwarebytes plus two “disconnected” (but not really) hard drives … and being told I must become the administrator when I am the administrator.


I got a message from Malwarebytes of a new update. Free. Just install it.

So I installed it and it deleted itself. Completely disappeared off my hard drive leaving a blank. It even removed its short-cut symbol on the desktop. I sighed. I have had trouble with this application before. Malwarebytes fixed it, but it took a week of back-and-forthing with the technical squad and I didn’t feel like it. Just not in the mood.

I tried backing up to see if I could recover the previous version, and I did, but it didn’t restore the broken application. It restored pieces of it, and it didn’t work. It just sat there. I tried one more restore, but that errored out. One of the more annoying problems with Windows operating systems is they never tell you why they are malfunctioning. They throw an error and leave you sitting there, staring at the screen saying WHAT? What was THAT?

So today, I tried to check the weather and all I got were ads that wouldn’t even let the program upload. I deleted what I could and realized … I needed Malwarebytes. That’s why I bought the program in the first place, to prevent this type of crap from happening. It isn’t viruses. It’s just garbage from advertisers.

I decided to restore Malwarebytes from scratch since I have the original receipt and key. This should have worked, but it told me it couldn’t complete, some kind of error. I could “continue and ignore” the error, but I got one of the Windows warnings that if I did that, terrible things might happen to my operating system. And I got another message telling me that the computer couldn’t find its hard drives.

What? WHAT?

So I diddled around and eventually, everything found everything else. Voila. No idea when they decided to disconnect, but I had a sneaking feeling that underneath all these other errors was that I needed to run the “network” function and connect everything to itself. Mind you, the computer was running fine, except for Malwarebytes, which wasn’t running at all.

I decided to delete Malwarebytes because it was listed as a program, but it wasn’t really and it didn’t work. It wouldn’t let me. It said I need to be an administrator. I am the administrator. I am the ONLY administrator. It is my computer. No one else has ever used it and when I look at my account, it clearly shows me as The Administrator.

I rebooted. I still couldn’t delete Malwarebytes because I needed to be an administrator. Eventually, it wouldn’t let me administrate and it wouldn’t let me out of the loop because I had to be an administrator before I could escape.

I rebooted.

At this point, I realized I could not become the administrator because I am, so it was asking me to do something I could not do because I am that thing and I was …

(Drum roll and trumpets, please …)

In a loop. The ultimate circle of hell for computer users. You can’t do it, whatever it is because you aren’t an administrator, but since you really are the administrator, you can’t become one because all those boxes are checked. Sometime around this point I discovered a previously broken piece of the application has been fixed. When I got this computer, the restore system would only let you restore the “C” drive. The “D” drive — which is huge and contains all my documents and pictures which is pretty much what lives on this computer — had to be backed up separately. Which I do anyway, so I didn’t care. But now, you can. So I added the “D” drive to the restore function and things began to roll along. Suddenly, I could create a restore point for both drives, something I haven’t been able to do since I got the computer.

I created one. Astonished that this event had occurred and being suspicious by nature, I did it a couple of times more, calling each restore point “testing 1” “testing 2” “testing 3” until I was finally convinced … it worked. Damn! Was it because I had done the networking thing and the computer finally knew it really has two hard drives?

I then tried to delete Malwarebytes again and it didn’t work. Again. It still wanted me to be an administrator, but by now, I realized this really wasn’t a Windows problem. It was a broken application.

Back to installing a new copy of Malwarebytes. When I got to the place where it told me if I clicked “Continue,” terrible, awful, dreadful and dire things would occur. Possibly making my computer stop working entirely. 


“Screw it” I said … and clicked the (potentially) fatal link. The application rolled merrily along and installed itself flawlessly. It then scanned the drive, fixed everything, and set up a new — FUNCTIONAL — short-cut. I could have done all that stuff in the first place. But to be fair, I would not have known I needed to network the computer to explain to it that it really does have two hard drives. Nor would I have realized — miracle of miracles — I could set a restore point for both drives.

I suppose I ended up on the winning side of today’s “loop warfare.” You want to know about circles? Computers. Looping their digital lives through the circularity of binary heaven. If anyone wants to know why I haven’t been online today, I was in a circle. Me and my computer, doing the little loopy dance. But I won … I think.

Categories: Computers, Computers, Software, Technology, Windows

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35 replies

  1. BRAVO! Job well done!


  2. I bought a new laptop a couple days ago, which I basically only use for things that just run entirely too slow on my 8 year old Vista machines. I have, finally, been introduced to the much ballyhooed Windows 10, which I dislike… and to the ever annoying Cortana, who I have a whole host of rude names for. I am glad I can play my flash games and watch videos without them buffering again, but I really hope that’s all I ever need to use it for…


    • I can send you a thing that tells you how to get rid of cortana and turn it back into something that helps you find stuff on your own computer. It makes a HUGE improvement. Windows 10 is not all that different from any other version of Windows, though it is faster. May you have good fortune with it!


  3. “Frustrating”? It’s infuriating. I’m still almost Tech Illiterate. If something isn’t working right I often can’t fix it myself or figure out why it isn’t working right. Then I have to get Rose’s kid to come over – or take it in. Too bad I’m addicted to this thing.


    • I know less than I sound like I know, but I worked with a lot of people who knew more and I picked some things up. Mostly, what I picked up was understanding what I can mess with … and what I absolutely cannot deal with. Where it’s safe to go and where I know anything I do can get me into really serious trouble. There are levels of this computer I won’t touch because I do not know enough. I am careful. But I’m not afraid to try things because I know more or less what they do.

      I guess you could call me an advanced beginner. I can do a lot more than a beginner … but I’m not skilled enough to be “intermediate.” That would require I really learn stuff. I had more than enough years in the high tech biz to learn it had I wanted to. I didn’t and now, I don’t want to. This came up and I had to either fix it or call in their tech people. I’m so weary of tech support, I figured I’d give it a shot. To my amazement, it worked.

      NO ONE is more surprised than me.


  4. go Marilyn! It amazes me how much time I can end up spending trying to install and reinstall and uninstall


    • I’m glad it’s not just me. Most of the time is spent trying to figure out what, exactly, is going on — and if whatever it is a problem or a bad application or just something weird in the operating system … or a glitch. Fixing whatever might be wrong doesn’t take much time, but figuring out what is going on … now THAT takes TIME 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. You’ve won the battle but not, necessarily, the war!


  6. How many hours of your life did you lose to this madness?


    • Today? About 2 hours to figuring out what might be wrong. There was nothing wrong.

      The rest of the day was backups, which I am supposed to do every month, but sometimes I skip a month, so I couldn’t skip this month. I also had a new hard drive and I had to load all my photographs onto it. I’ve got 60,000 photographs and it took an hour and a half to do it. Because that’s how long it takes to back up 60,000 photographs. One of these days, it will take less time as they make faster backup drives, but that’s as fast as it goes now. The thing is, the computer works just fine. It was this one application that was broken and no matter what computer you are using it on (it works on both macs and windows), it is a problem.

      Really, I spent most of the time trying to figure out IF anything was wrong and whether or not I could fix it … or if it COULD be fixed.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Even ex-IT professionals get these issues! I’ve been out of that game for too long, and don’t understand all this new stuff – all these apps and shiny things, add-ons and …. on and on and on. I understood mainframes, big boxes. Yes, things have improved, but surely they don’t have to change and change every year! Please, I can’t keep up! Spinning! Swirling! Drowning.
    Oh, that’s what you were saying. Sorry, got carried away in the net-stream.


    • The problem is that there is a flaw in Windows 10. It wants you to connect both drives so it can keep track of the files. Okay. But if you do that, it will store the information for both drives in “restore/recover”, but you can’t restore the double file. It will restore Drive C, but NOT D drive. You can only restore the operating system and other essential files.

      You’re caught in a loop from the start: if you set it to configure both drives, you’ll get files you can’t use and if you don’t, you’ll get endless messages telling you to reconnect the drive. This is something that has been wrong with Win10 since it arrived. It’s a malfunction of the operating system. I thought they had fixed it because you CAN save both drives … but you can’t restore from both, so it’s pointless. It may be that Malwarebytes is the culprit and it is interrupting the flow of data … but I think it’s just too much data. Too much for the recovery operation.

      I have been having some version of this same problem since I GOT the computer. I think I’m going to just turn off the messages about reconnecting the drive. Problem solved sort of. Well, not really …

      Liked by 1 person

      • My partner turned off the messages, but they come back to haunt him on a regular basis – and now he hates 10. Screams to get back to XP (so he can play games, of course).


        • The messages do come back, but you can keep turning them off. I finally got them to shut up about their “cloud drive” which I have no interest in using. That is why I’ve got all these extra hard drives. You know, it really isn’t the operating system. It’s the stupid messages!

          Liked by 1 person

  8. You have much more patience than I would have had in that situation. About 30 minutes in, I would have gone to my garage, retrieved my sledgehammer, and showed that laptop who was boss. Hell, I use my iPhone more than I use my laptop anyway. And no doubt, smashing that laptop to bits would have made me feel much more empowered.


    • It’s a $1700 computer and I need it. I also can’t afford to replace it. I’m patient because I can’t afford to NOT be patient.

      The thing is, the computer is working fine. I actually don’t have any problems with the computer — I have problems with THIS particular application. AND there’s a flaw in the OS which i can’t fix because it’s not something a user CAN fix. So I just backed everything up and said SCREW IT. I have backups. Recovery can do whatever it wants to do. I’ll use my OWN backups.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well, it sounds like you know what you’re doing, so at least there’s that. I wouldn’t even begin to know where to start.


        • It just sounds that way. Actually, I’m doing what my friend Sergei told me. “Keep pushing buttons. Something will happen.” Now, say it with a Russian accent. Something WILL happen, though not always what you expect.

          Liked by 1 person

  9. I got out of breath reading that. I have malwarebytes but the free version. Mr. Swiss pays for his, but I don’t see a big difference. I just have to run it myself and the Mr. Swiss version runs itself. I also got the update but had no problem. I have a problem with the crap cleaner when it updates . The updates no longer work and I get into a loop that tells me to update every time I use it. I now just download the Programme from scratch and it works. The cyber world is a funny place like something from a Stephen King book, it has „the shining“.


    • I bought it so I could run it on both Garry and my machine. But it has been very problematic and I think I won’t renew it. Most programs run without a problem so you barely notice you have them at all, but these have been a problem almost since I got them. Adobe products also have “issues.” And when you get into one of the circle dances … well … it just goes on forever. I think Malwarebytes is one of the problems my computer has. It just gets in the way of everything.


  10. I have Malwarebytes and I like it pretty much, but the first time I attempted to install it I ran into an alternate site calming that I had a problem and couldn’t install. I was then directed to another site that claimed to have the solution to my problem and could help me for a mere $250. I told the guy I couldn’t afford it and immediately shut down the computer. How had he gained access to my computer, I can’t tell you but he had? I disconnected the computer and took it to a Mac facility to remove malware and install Malwarebytes. Apparently, this site was trying to prevent me from installing the software and/or getting $250 bucks in the deal. The guy actually got indignant and rude because I would buy his service. BTW, the Mac center only charged me $35 to correct this problem.


    • I got Malwarebytes to fix the program the first time, which considering I had just paid for it, they should. I try to avoid having anyone fix my computer because they make problems while they solve them. We have “a guy” who comes and fixes. He doesn’t charge a lot and he comes and repairs. I don’t know what I’d do without him!


  11. Fortunately I have found a computer geek who wants to help, and who happens to live across the street — his mantra is “I’m only a phone call away!”


  12. What a headache! It’s too nice a day to have to deal with that.


  13. yep. been standing on that very spot. I could feel myself seizing up in sympathy.


    • It drives me crazy that they have these “warnings” and they are mostly, crap. But you can’t tell. Sometimes, they are deadly serious. Meanwhile, I’m backing up the system. Past a certain point, I know I’ve gone as far as I can. Sometimes, you can’t fix everything … and since it’s working …


  14. Marilyn, I must say your post gave me a bit of a headache. When computers first came out (yes, I remember), I used to be able to fix minor bugs on my own. But now everything’s too complicated. If my computer goes down (heaven forbid), I either call tech support or take it to the nearest geek store.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The thing was, it WAS working. It was just this one program that wouldn’t work . But to get IT to work, there were all these other things. There are some things I can’t fix because they aren’t really broken — exactly. They just don’t work they way they are supposed to. In this case, the big “D” drive can’t be backed up to the recovery function. You can save it, but you can’t restore from it, so there’s no point in bothering to save it. But if I connect it, then I get useless backups. It really IS running in circles.

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