For my first three years of blogging, I got around 100, then 200, then 250 to 300 views per day. In year four, it slid up to around 350 to 400. Where it stayed, showing a gradual, slow but steady upward movement with occasional shots of one post being exceptionally popular.

At the beginning of this year, we started getting more than 400 regularly. Which was — I thought — phenomenal. On October 10, 2017, something else happened. Suddenly, we shot upward to 500 and started getting bumps to 700 and 800. But the funny thing was, the regular posts were not doing better than usual. They were doing pretty much the same as they always been.

It was a “Google” bump. For no reason, Google had found us and we were getting hundreds of hits. It kept going up until it hit 1400 in the beginning of November. Which was crazy. Blogs like this don’t get those numbers. It stayed up there for a few days, then started to drop.

I did not expect it to stay in those numbers. The archives were getting all the action. Old blogs were being read by a lot of people — which was fun — but I knew it would not last.

Stat bumps are not “normal” growth. Somehow, some way, your blog gets picked up by Google or some other search engine. For a while, everyone who looks for something finds you at the top of the list, so thousands of people come and read archived posts. Some visitors will sign on and become regulars, but most will show up once, maybe twice, then disappear. They came to see one post, maybe read a second one while they were at it, but your “real” daily numbers haven’t changed. Without the input from Google — or whatever search engine found you — you are right where you were before the bump. It’s a bit startling and dramatic when all that activity drops off — and you are left with your normal feedback. Even though you knew it wouldn’t last, you sort of hoped it would.

Sure enough, we dropped back to pretty much where we were before the big bump. Riding “high” was fun, but it isn’t realistic. We are not a news service and we don’t get huge numbers of readers for posts.

The thing is, blogging is not about statistics, unless for you it’s a business. It’s communication with the people who follow you. You follow them, they follow you. You feed each other ideas and give each other encouragement. The actual writing of a blog is only half the fun. The rest is people and relationships. The ideas you get from reading other people’s material.

Also — popularity isn’t always as much fun as you think it will be. I spend a huge amount of time writing, photographing, processing pictures. Keeping track of what’s scheduled. I answer all my comments and sometimes, I end up using a full day just answering comments. It is fun — but it eats a lot of time and it’s hard to find room for other things.

Luckily, I don’t have that much else to do. Usually.

With a few exceptions, I’ve talked to the entire world!

Like other people who blog a lot, I love it. I love the people, the ideas, the stimulation. I don’t get out into the world the way I did when I was younger. If it weren’t for blogging, I’d be isolated and probably lonely.

The thing to remember, for all of us, is statistics bounce around. A great few months can be followed — entirely unexpectedly — by a serious drop in readership. Why? People move on. WordPress messes with the software and you lose a few thousand followers. And sometimes, you hit a lull. If you aren’t blogging for the numbers — if you are doing it because you genuinely love writing or posting pictures or whatever it is you do — then a drop in your stats doesn’t change anything.

Remind me of that the next time I lose 800 views a day — in one night!

Categories: #Blogging, #Photography, #Writing, Statistics

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31 replies

  1. Simply put your articles are interesting, you are well versed, and have a good eye for art/photography, and I just enjoy your blogs…..and although you are intimidating (due to your great skill in writing, and mastery of words) I like connecting with you, and I like the person you are, in the stories you tell of your experiences. I am not surprised to hear that your blog is extremely popular, you have great talent, and you are an interesting woman, thank you for sharing with us amateurs….inspirational, but I will never shine as you do in your posts. I aspire to shine in my nursing career, and strive to make those I care for feel nurtured. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m blushing. Thank you. I simply like writing and because that’s what I did for a living, I got good at it. These days, I feel I need to do more. I’m not out and marching, but I can write — so I do. Now, if only I could write a few international best-sellers. The dreams of my youth 🙂 Glad to get to know you!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I noticed that bump up and figured something weird was going on- could not have made such a jump overnight. As you said I am now back to normal


    • It was so strange … because suddenly, it was like WHAM and we were getting more than a thousand hits a day — but not a single comment from anyone new. I was very suspicious. How could there be THAT much activity without comments? NO comments at ALL?

      And I’m also back to normal.


  3. It’s most interesting to hear about your development as a blogger, Marilyn. Being discovered by Google must be a bit like going viral.


    • Not really. Because it isn’t one of your posts getting a lot of attention. It’s your archives getting a lot of attention and you get virtually NO comments and no long-term readers. Others have told me it has happened to them, too … so I’m wondering if it isn’t some weird form of spam. But no, it really isn’t like going viral because it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with YOU and your work. It’s a statistical bump without real recognition.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I have had my blog for 8 years. It took years before I got more than 50 views on a regular basis! My most popular posts get maybe 100. On the other hand, I have over 400 followers. I tell myself I just blog because I enjoy it or for future posterity in my family after I’m gone or unable to blog. But in fact, it does bother me that I don’t get more hits. I do look at others’ posts and “like” them, but in spite of hours I spend dping that, it doesn’t move my numbers much.

    Any suggestions?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Some of “popularity” is luck … writing about the right thing at the right time when people are looking to know about that thing. Sometimes, it is being controversial even if you don’t want to be. It’s a weird thing, picking your way through the news and history, the humor of life and its tragedy. I didn’t follow anyone’s path and I’m not sure there IS a path.

      The best I can offer is to get to know other bloggers who are building their blogs and over time, you begin to support each other. Those are the people who will be YOUR friends and supporters.

      And then, write well. Work at it. Be the best writer you can be because no matter how much attention you get or don’t get, that will make a real difference to you. I’ll try to find a little time from somewhere, but I’m not promising. I have a book I’ve been trying to finish for two weeks and haven’t yet managed to do it yet.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I have comment moderation turned on, and it gives me a good feel for the few folks who do show up–and when a spammer appears, he goes right in the junk mail. On my site Im not impressed with 75 hits in one day from India, or Uzbekistan, or Syria. I’ve been watdhing this week as one spammer has slowly slid across my analytics page and out the back door, after gracing me with 64 hits in one day. A few years back I noticed that one post had overnight received 300 hits and continued to do so, daily, for a week or more.
    It was like watching a faucet stuck on “gush”. The only way to make it stop was to delete the post, and sure enough the poster disappeared.

    I also have Blogger set to not accept ‘anonymous” as a poster. Life gets better after that. Like you, I’m not impressed with numbers, and having several hundred hits from someone who has to translate his post three times to get it into english impresses me even less. Click.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I had to do that too, I dumped a couple of hundred of them and that probably contributed to the turning down of the rush. WordPress denies it, but the coincidence is a little difficult to deny. I had all those “floor sanding” companies from Russia and “cheap insurance” vendors from Pakistan and there were THOUSANDS of spam messages from them. Cutting them out of the followers helped — INSTANTLY. Not being able to control them is one of the big weaknesses of WP and I can see they are building up. Again.


  6. I’ve been experiencing a similar jump. The odd thing is it seems to occur on days when I don’t post.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. There was a day last year when I suddenly acquired more views than usual.It was just a nice post, nice spring pictures…nothing special, but StumbleUpon seemed to think otherwise and sent a thousand extra people my way. No comments though, only the regular readers engaged with the post…
    And, as you say, that’s the point. Stats are vaguely amusing, but unless you are blogging as a business, they really do not matter.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Where do these extra’s come from? Well, the other day when I read the post on tech writing I found something very interesting on the footer – ‘advertising’ of another blog where the key words must have matched up somewhere. Funny, though, that the other blog was advocating document automation – says it all, doesn’t it? Machines don’t think, they only ‘looks like’ compare without any level of understanding.
    BTW, I’d love a hundred views a day! Love! At best, I think i”ve hit a 50. Once. Do I care? Not one whit! But I do enjoy the social activities that come from ‘talking’ with the ones I choose to listen/read/respond to.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Also — the stats on WordPress are not terribly accurate. They measure what they measure, but there’s a lot of stuff they don’t measure. They only measure “clicks.” If someone clicks on a post, you get a view. If they click on the post and four pictures, you get FIVE views for that post. But if they come to your site and scroll through a dozen posts, you still get ONLY one view. And if people read your posts in email, you get NO views at all.

      Generated documentation isn’t documentation. It’s just words. Without context, it’s meaningless — which is why those generated manuals we get with cameras (a good example) don’t make sense. It isn’t bad translation. It’s “generated” text, so you get lists of commands, but no explanation of what those commands do — or why you might want to use one. It annoys me a LOT when I buy an expensive piece of equipment and get generated documentation — or NO documentation. Unfortunately, companies have learned we’ll buy the products anyway, so they don’t care. As long as sales remain unchanged, why bother?

      Liked by 2 people

  9. I’ve had this blog for about six months and I’m averaging about 100 views a day, which I’m happy with. I can’t imagine what I’d do if I got 1,400 in a single day. I’d probably assume it was a glitch in the system. I must admit, though, that I am a little disappointed when I don’t hit 100 in a day, which is about half the time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 100 a day for a 6-month old blog is great. I think I was at about half that for more than a year. Also, when you get one of those bumps, you don’t get virtually any comments. What you see are stats, but it’s not like you get 1400 comments. That’s what I meant when I said the regular posts were normal. Almost all those extra hits were people who came from who-knows-where, read a post or two, and vanished. They never signed up with WordPress or became followers. Why it happens? Who knows? I know a few people to whom it has happened and it’s fun. I think you need to have a lot of stuff in your archives, though. We’ve got close to 6,000 posts in the archives and I don’t remember more than 10% of them.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I’ve only got 481 posts, which sounds like a lot in only six months (about 2.5 posts a day), but 6,000? That’s a boatload of blogging.


        • That’s almost six years of blogging. But you’ll get there too. Just multiply 481 by 12 and you will get a sense of what happens when you keep doing this for a long time. It adds up faster than you think.

          Liked by 1 person

  10. I discovered WP as a backup, but when Multiply collapsed it became my new place.
    I was getting a few likes, but nothing more. I wasn’t really all that bothered, It just kept me out of boredom. One day I must have been discovered when the curve went up,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Getting discovered is nice. It doesn’t always last, but it sure is fun while it does. We’re pretty much back to where we were — plus maybe 50ish. Watching the big numbers drop back to normal was a good reminder of how fragile all of this stuff really is. You get discovered, then you get UNdiscovered 😀

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