It was pointed out to me this morning that there’s a lot we don’t know about the people who came before us.

How — why — they dressed and spoke and related to each other as people in their society. We are fuzzy about a lot of cultural material and mostly, we take our best guess as to what they were thinking as they lived from one day to the next in whatever capacity they lived it.

We have no clue about how our great-grandfather confessed his love to great-grandmother. We don’t know the words they used, or their tone of voice. We don’t know if their moment of passion happened at all. We don’t know because they left no evidence for us. They spoke differently, yet surely they held the same emotions we do — and we base all our fiction on that assumption. But of course, we could be entirely wrong. It’s just guesswork.

United States Slave Trade

On the other hand, we know precisely — anyone could know — that the people who drew up our Constitution understood how deeply wrong slavery was. They knew — fully and completely — failing to remove this horror would cause a war. A big war. Many expressed gratitude they would not live to see it.

They knew right from wrong.

They spent agonizing hours, weeks, months and years writing about it. Discussing it. Keeping notes about what they said and what others said. They didn’t for a minute think building a nation on slavery was “okay.” Abigail Adams, for one, didn’t want to live in the White House — not merely because it wasn’t finished, but because slaves built it. Yet without the compromise of making slaves three-fifths of a person — a person who would never vote or have anything to say about his own life — there would not have been a Constitution or a country. Getting the country to be a country was, ultimately, what mattered. Under this devil’s decision lay the future in which we are now living.

We didn’t get here by accident. It wasn’t one bad election or a few unfortunate choices. The path on which we are walking was being laid out for us before there was a United State. The issues we now face have always been there. 

For all the northern objections to slavery, it wasn’t as if there weren’t any slaves in New England or New York. Southern plantations bought slaves, but New England sea captains brought them here. The first port of call for southern slave owners were the slave markets of New York and New England. Until the Constitution when northern slavery was formally abolished, there were plenty of slaves up north, too.

About those Native Americans from whom we grabbed this land and who we slaughtered so we could keep it? Of course we knew it was wrong. Maybe not every unread slob understood it, but anyone with a modicum of education got it. We still know it, even if we have tried our best to tuck the information as far from “common knowledge” as we can. We don’t want to think about what we did to get this place — and what we are still doing.

Did our ancestors understand this?


But you see — they wanted this country. They wanted it and they wanted it beyond any moral compunctions. If that mean slaughtering entire tribes — see Andrew Jackson for more on that — so be it. Why should “those savages” get this rich and beautiful country? They didn’t deserve it. It should be ours. To make this righteous, we made up a bunch of crap about white being better than not white, but we didn’t get that from anyone’s religion. We quite simply made it up because we needed to believe it.

So, as has happened throughout history, we did what we wanted. We took everything, killed anyone who got in our way and have more less continued to do that ever since. Was it the first or last time an invading group of foreigners stole a nation from its native inhabitants? Obviously not.

I do not buy any concept which says “we didn’t understand what we were doing.” We knew just fine. Our ancestors — your ancestors — might not have talked the way we do, but they were much better at acknowledging good and evil. 

Again: How do we know this? Let me reiterate.

They wrote about it. At great length. In documents, diaries, letters, newspapers, and books. We don’t have to guess: they told us. Whether or not great granddad Josiah proposed in flowery English to great grandma Elizabeth may be a guess, but that Josiah thought our behavior toward slaves and Natives was wrong — we do know that.

What a great job we’ve done with the place!

The reason the Trump White House can do what it is doing is because there is so much hatred in this country. All he needed to do was play to the haters and leave the windows open. We don’t know what our so-called “leaders” believe, but we know who and what they hate. I don’t care in how many other countries this same ugly scene is happening. That doesn’t justify it happening here. If the whole world needs to clean up its act? So be it.

The majority is not necessarily right.

For my entire life, I believed this country — my country — was getting better. Was becoming more of what it said it wanted to be. That we were struggling, but trying to become a moral light in the world. I’m not seeing that anymore. Not on a national level. Are there many individuals who are still fighting the good fight? Sure. But nationally, as a nation, that isn’t what I see. I cannot begin to tell you how deeply disturbing I find this.

How is your conscience doing these days? Having a bit of a rough patch?

Categories: #American-history, History, Personal, perspective

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57 replies

  1. I’m reading a book about the Ethiopian revolution and it is making me realize that as bad as it feels right now in the U.S., it could be so much worse. Would that things change before it gets worse! At least we can talk about it without worrying that someone will arrive in the night to cart us away.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Marilyn, I’m catching up tonight because I can’t sleep. Not for the reasons you articulate here but from a case of shingles that is shooting pain through my abdomen. But this shingles pain is nothing compared to the pain I feel every day watching the great reversal in America, watching the POTUS’s approval ratings rise when there is every reason for them to crash, remembering Joe McCarthy and all the thugs who did their best to undermine the ‘we’ by creating an ‘other’. It’s all back. And the saddest part is: you’re right. We knew what we were doing and we know now.

    Memory isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, but I’d rather have memory than not have it. I’d rather know than pretend I don’t. I’d rather resist than comply with the systematic dismantling of the Constitutional protections and institutions that save us from our worst selves. I find myself outside the carnival tent, peering in at the funhouse mirror, wondering how and when we will repair the nation. Maybe the country itself is going through a case of shingles. I’m assured that shingles are short-lived when properly treated. Accordingly, I have another week or so before I can sleep. It will take the country decades to recover from this resurgence of the sin of exceptionalism.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m hoping when this mess is done, that there is a “normal” to go back to. I really wonder how much we are messing with our fundamental processes. The kids give me hope. They are the main hope I’ve still got. Whether they get what they want, I don’t know … but that they care enough to try is something to feel good about. At least that much.


  3. Reblogged this on SERENDIPITY and commented:

    I started reading through this and realized despite having written in more than a year ago, it’s just as true now as it was then. Somehow, I would have hoped we’d have … oh, I don’t know. Impeached Trump? Convicted a few of his more toxic adherents? Something, anyhow. But here we are, essentially right where we were a year ago last November.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Reminds me of old saying: There are none so blind as those who will not see.”

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It is a sad thought to see just how many people “go along” with things like this. A sad world indeed!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Some people just go along, but others resist the concept because they can find all the reasons it might not be true. It’s like conspiracy theorists for whom no amount of evidence is convincing. Or people who cannot accept climate change, no matter how convincing the science.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Reminds me of old saying: There are none so blind as those who will not see.”


      • They shouldn’t need much more convincing on climate change than their own back yard. Gardening is like learning how to do it all over again! What worked two years ago, did not work last year. Planting times have changed, the angles to plant, the way they grow. You cannot plant without a uv screen anymore.


        • Many, if not most, of my flowers just DIED. And the thing is, what died are day lilies, the one utterly unkillable flowering plant. My HOSTAS died. They can’t die, they aren’t allowed. All the tulips, save one, gone. All the fancy roses, gone. I’m not planting anymore. When everything dies, that will be the end of the gardens.

          Liked by 2 people

          • Here in Minnesota my hostas and daylilies survived, but many did not thrive as well as they used to – the weather was erratic and strange. but up in the midwest, nothing is normally all that predictable…


            • Spring came very late, summer lasted two months longer than it should have and fall ended in less than two weeks. It has been much warmer than it used to be, which doesn’t mean we won’t get twice the snow we used to get either. These weather changes are not simply the world getting hotter. They are more complicated than that … and the plants apparently get it, even if some humans don’t.

              Liked by 1 person

          • When plants like that die, we know we are in trouble! I have both and know how hard it is to try and kill day lilies! We are having to move most of our gardens into shaded areas, even for sun loving plants!

            Liked by 1 person

            • I think the rain has been acid because NOTHING should kill a hosta, much less a day lily … but most of our day lilies just died before flowering. Which I found very unsettling.

              Liked by 2 people

              • We find here, that when we grow under a uv screen, our vegetables do better. Left to the open elements, they fry. This year was the worst ever for our crops.


    • Rebel, that may be the saddest part…and a bitter pill to swallow for those of us of a certain age.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. I hate to play this card, but a really big part of this problem is the white man’s sense of entitlement. “If we want it, it should be ours, and so we’ll do what it takes to get it.., even if it hurts others in the process.” I feel fortunate that I have many good friends, who are white, and are beginning to be outraged by the actions, and complacency, of their ancestors, not to mention, amazed that it still continues to this day, albeit in its more modern form of economic denial. Economic denial is not really new as this was the first assault on freed slaves, followed closely by the KKK’s physical attacks.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I know. A lot of people reject it because they don’t like the implications. My “people” weren’t even IN this country until the early 1900s, but regardless, we all need to accept responsibility. That’s what being one nation is supposed to be about.

      Liked by 1 person

      • For those reasons, I blame all of us. Those in power for allowing it to go on, and those victimized failing to speak up. Now we’re in a true mess domestically and in the world.

        Liked by 2 people

        • I hope that this is enough to make a lot of people realize that if you aren’t part of the solution, you ARE the problem. But we shall see. There are mid-term elections in 2018. Let’s see who votes this time.

          Liked by 2 people

    • Ben, VERY well said. It’s a card well played. Relevant and very true.


  7. Whoops. posted my comment twice….


  8. Bloody well said, and well written. The ‘oh we didn’t know back then’ argument really doesn’t wash. The desire to colonise/seize new territory – whether it was in the Americas or elsewhere – and at any cost, was all that mattered. If you, as the coloniser, could argue that the original possessors were ‘savages’, and ‘godless’, then that was deemed to give you some sort of right of conquest – that is if your forgot to consult your moral compass. Or notice for one second your own godless behaviour.


  9. I have what I call my ‘Fairness Gene.’ It keeps me quite disturbed these days….


  10. We have to face up to it in order to change.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. It’s harder to swallow these days. Damn hard!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. You’ve covered the situation eloquently, Marilyn. Not much more could be added. The bases of most atrocity is hatred and or greed. They wanted it so they took it! You are right, I keep hoping (we’re told too) that great strides are being made, we’ve progressed, improved as a humanity. Have we? I’m with you. It chagrins me to say, I wished with all my heart it were so (not just two steps forward, one step back) but that’s not what I see. It seriously pains me to watch humanity digressing in many instances far back in time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • And it bothers me that otherwise intelligent, well-educated people are still making excuses. We knew what we were doing and we know what we ARE doing. I’d like to think that has to change, but recently I’ve noticed that it doesn’t “have to” happen.

      We apparently can live in the muck and mire of human horror and think it’s okay. That disturbs me in ways I never imagined possible. I’ve been thinking about writing this for a long time. I finally wrote it. I expect a lot of people aren’t going to like it much.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Truth is truth! What you spoke to is the way it is. People are unwilling to take responsibility for their actions as well as turning a blind eye (if I don’t see it, it isn’t happening crap) which is never going to raise the bar to expected better behaviour. I also blame it on dumbed down education offered, and shows that people like lemmings watch (because their friends are) that has no contribution to the betterment of life or beliefs. I also think it has to do with a lessoning moral code. I’m no longer religious but I believe we ALL know right from wrong. There’s that twinge of conscience that tells you when you say and do something wrong. YOU KNOW! It’s only the serial killers of the world who have no conscience moral code value of any kind. So what’s the excuse for the rest who choose not to see or act or stand for what is right?


        • A lot of pretty smart, well-educated people simply don’t want to accept the reality of racism and how it has fundamentally changed our national attitudes. Not just NOW, but before we became a nation. IF you accept it, you can’t look at those good old days without a mental reckoning about good and evil. The good old days were not necessarily moral, good, or just.

          I am in significant disagreement with a lot of people about this. Which I recognize it. This is a subject which has been grinding at me for a long time. But. Hearing someone who I otherwise respect say it’s all because we don’t really “understand” our predecessors is ridiculous. We all need some good, solid rationalizations to survive our current lives, but this is one rationalization over my personal line.

          I balk at believing our predecessors didn’t “really” know what was going on. They knew, but what they wanted was what they wanted and they were willing to do anything to get it. And now, the price has come due.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Oh they knew! You are so right, about the price coming due too!


            • We always pay the price of previous generations. I hate to think of what our grandchildren will be paying for US.


              • I know, right? It constantly worries me and is something I think about daily. I hate the apathy that sponsors inactivity and I know ppls lives are topsy turvey with everyone working long hours days weeks just to survive which makes anything else over the top for them, but still, there are issues that HAVE to be addressed, and now!


                • But we aren’t doing it. We talk about it a lot and we pass laws, which we flout. These days, it looks like everything we did was for nothing — very demoralizing.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • It is and can be. The only way I can personally cope is changing (or trying to change my little corner of the world). Writing here helps, but the people here are already exceedingly throughtful and caring, with their heads on straight, it’s like preaching to the choir. Getting the idea out there, to the world, the ones who are inconsiderate of themselves, others, humanity as a whole, that’s a whole other matter, Marilyn.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • This place is pretty much OK too. If people have issues, they are quiet about them. If you need help, there’s always help. I sometimes wonder where those crazy people come from — and more important, what is WRONG with our so-called “leaders”?

                  Liked by 1 person

                • That’s a good question in and of itself!

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      • This is said as well as, or better than any other treatise I’ve read. Because it happens to a degree all over the world I have distilled it into one simple term “The white man’s sense of entitlement.” If I want it, it should be mine and so I will take it one way or the other.
