WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge – SERENE

The sun was so bright this morning. Sometimes, the sun is the brightest in the winter. It is such a white sun again a dark blue sky. The trees are bare now, yet somehow, the forsythia bush still has green leaves.

It’s the only green-leafed growing plant out there. Everything else is brown or gray. It’s not terribly cold yet. I could take my pictures  in just my sweater — it wasn’t cold enough to need a coat.The cold will come. It always does, but not quite yet and I’m just fine with that. I love the peacefulness of the dark blue sky and the white sun with its long rays.

I participate in WordPress’ Weekly Photo Challenge 2017


Categories: #Photography, Winter

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16 replies

  1. I love the first image…it is as if you transformed the branches to look like glass mosaic. 🙏🏻


  2. We have a few tired leaves on our Forsythia but what surprises me is the parsley is still bright green and untouched by the frost.


  3. Wonderful photos. I wish we could see the sun so early in the morning instead of our grey skies at the moment.


    • We had almost a whole month of grey skies and drizzly rain, so it’s nice to get real sun for a while. The weather has been nice for almost three days! Three WHOLE days! Of course, we are only getting 9 hours of daylight and by the end of the week probably 8-1/2, but at least we get a few hours of sun before we get darkness at 4pm. They keep promising cold weather, but it hasn’t hit us yet. Inland, it’s colder and up in the mountains, it’s pretty cold and snowing, too. Here? Chilly. The way it SHOULD have been in October. The seasons are very mixed up, but maybe we’ll get 4 days of sun! I live in hope — except we’ll be at the hospital all day tomorrow with Garry. His turn, this time.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Lovely photos that tell a story in themselves



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