Circles and squares in squares. What could be simpler? Almost anything? I decided these baseballs are about as circular as it gets. Circles in the square.

Squaring the Circle with Squared Squares


Categories: #Photography, square

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7 replies

  1. You’re a good thinker! 🙂 🙂


  2. I bet you had a ball finding this one Marilyn 🙂


  3. Perfecto, Marilyn.


  4. This is a really pleasing composition in its own right, though I really could not say why – the muted tones – the multiple uniform roundnesses, the baseball history, the graphics on the balls, the stitching. This squares challenge is making one look at things in new ways 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. It is sort of soothing. Baseball is, I think, a little like cricket insofar as its a slower game and I find it soothing. Not so many big guys bashing each other. Just hitting balls and running around. And the balls are a whole thing — the type of material, the number of stitches. There’s a whole history in an old baseball 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Everything Tish says! This is a fabulous post, and really does get you thinking 🙂



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