Photo Challenge – Rise and Set

For this week’s photo challenge, explore the vibrant, hopeful colors of your favorite sunrise or sunset.

Other than from the direction, you can’t tell if the sun is coming up or setting. I’ve done all the checking I can and in fact, the light is the same. It depends on the season of the year, but the coloring is identical otherwise.

And yet we are fascinated by the coming and going of the sun. Even when I was a child, I used to stand outside and watch the sky, sometimes for a full hour from late afternoon until final darkness, watching the delicate changes in the sky and the clouds and the way the light filtered through the trees.

I have not yet lost my wonder.

The rising sun in the mountains in October

A gull at sunrise

Sunset in Douglas

Sunset through clouds

Categories: #Photography, Dawn, Sunrise, Sunset

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22 replies

  1. Very nice! My sunset/sunrise pictures all look like there’s a distant blazing inferno somewhere… but there just aren’t any good views of the horizon from my neighborhood. Imagine living at the North Pole and only getting one sunrise and sunset each year…


  2. My two favorite moments of the day combined in one post 🙂


  3. all wonderful- especially the beach sunrise


  4. The first two, but especially the seaside sundown, are my favs. Good job Marilyn.., nice color balances too. Hard to do, but when it’s right, it’s right.


    • Some of these shots were so easy to take, it’s almost embarrassing. Assuming you have a decent camera, the colors are there and the light is perfect. All you have to do it point and shoot!


  5. There’s definitely something magical about sunrise/sunset. It’s like a Greek myth that touches us all.


  6. I hope we never lose our wonder!


    • Wonderful. Pics are inspiring as I look out at our slate gray horizon. Ugh.

      Love “the last sunset.”…..(Universal/’60) Rock Hudson, Kirk Douglas, Dorothy Malone, Joseph Cotten, Carol Lynley, Neville Brand, Jack Elam. (Dir: Robert Aldrich)

      Liked by 1 person

    • The colors will always bring us back. They are still, after all these years, amazing to see.

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  7. All beautiful, esp the first. I do think you can see a difference in the light at sunrise vs sunset but wouldn’t want to have to pass a test on it LOL.


    • Technically, there is no difference, but there might be a bit based on the direction the sun is taking — down or up. But I wouldn’t want to pass that test either.


  8. Beautiful photos and countryside.

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  9. This is a very beautiful entry!

    Liked by 1 person


  1. WPC: Rise/Set | Lillie-Put