WordPress WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE: LINES – Marilyn Armstrong

WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: LINES

Out in the deserts of Arizona and Mexico, there is only one tree that can cope with the dry and constant heat: the Ironwood tree.

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Arizona

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20 replies

  1. What character those gnarly old trees. I have a picture of an olive tree that is suppose to be over a thousand years old. It was growing in Tunisia.


  2. Magnificent shots of the ironwood!


    • I found one in a front yard in Phoenix that had been really well cared for and got a lot of shots of it. When you see them in the desert, they don’t look “healthy” in a way that we usually mean healthy, although for an ironwood, they really are fine. A most interesting tree!

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      • I enjoy seeing them in the SoCal desert too — Anza Borrego State Park (west of the Salton Sea) is full of them, though not usually so large.


        • The one in Phoenix was unusually big because whoever owned the property had been really caring for it. When a limb got too heavy, he had it lopped off (properly) and sealed so there were many huge twisted limbs. You don’t see that much in the desert. The big limbs usually just fall off onto the desert floor. But give these old guys some help — and water — and it’s amazing what they look like.

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  3. Love what you did with this. Each casts such a different take!


  4. Hello Ironwood tree, I have never met you before.


  5. It’s almost as if the lines of the tree describe the torture of trying to live in such a difficult climate (at least difficult for a tree.)


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