A Photo a Week Challenge: Public Transportation

Honest Abraham of Civil War fame, we ain’t got no public transportation in this town.

You have a choice:

1 – Feet
2 – Bicycle
3 – Car or truck
4 – Horse.

We have tracks, but lack trains

Most people don’t take their horses to town, but it has happened. It makes the horses nervous, though and carrying back the groceries is a bit clumsy. So mostly, it’s feet and car. We’re about 3-1/2 miles out of the village and we are definitely past hoofing it.

This is casket truck. Everyone needs a traveling casket, right?

Or maybe something smaller?

Public transportation isn’t part of the rural lifestyle. I hear rumors that, until the early 1960s, we had buses in Uxbridge! Imagine that! And the trains stopped too. I know this because we have a train station — now a real estate office — but once upon a time, it was a train for people.

Does a school bus count?

School bus, in town. I think you need to be attending a local school to get a lift!

Photo: Garry Armstrong

Categories: #Photography, Cars and Trucks, Transportation

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20 replies

  1. Reblogged this on Penney Vanderbilt and KC Jones: All About Railroads and commented:
    Unfortunately like so much of America!!!


  2. You found some great photos for a place with no public transportation. I love the abandoned train tracks. Thanks for joining the challenge!


  3. Why can’t they use those school buses as a regular bus after the school rush? There’s always that transportation problem.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I especially like the photos of the school buses. I’m always surprised that this rather old fashioned design is still being used but I like them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I gather the newer ones have bigger engines and seat belts and stuff, but essentially, they are the same. And ours probably ARE the old ones. We don’t have a lot of new stuff around here 🙂

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