Twisted vines on a tree in Manchaug

When the spring flowers have finished in June, the bindweed comes and takes over. I have spent every year of my gardening life fending off the bindweed (which I often call “strangle weed”). It lives, as far as I can tell, everywhere. It is the most intense, durable, determined plant on earth and I don’t know anyone who has successfully done it. Even when you think you’ve gotten it all, it will sneak back.

Lest we forget that human wires twist, too!

There’s also wild grape-vine, Jimsonweed, Virginia creeper and others I can’t name offhand. We’ve got them all.

Photo: Garry Armstrong – Here the battle between bindweed, an insanely enthusiastic forsythia , and wild grape-vine. The war never ends.

I don’t have the energy to fight it as much these days, so usually by the end of the summer, it has taken over. But all of them die when winter comes. Each year, it’s a new battle.

Antique tractor under Virginia Creeper? We’ve got that, too!

Virginia creeper at least turns to brilliant colors in fall

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26 replies

  1. MrsA… fourth picture down, is the one you refer to as wild grape vine?? That’s pokeweed. It’s poisonous, medicinal, and edible if prepped property. Heard of poke sallet?


    • I thought that was Jimsonweed. I know it’s got a variety of uses — all our local weeds and wild things do albeit many are poisonous too. You mean the one with the bright purple berries yes?


  2. I know bindweed as convolvulus, with its white flowers. I have a little battle with it every year when it wants to choke my buddleia, but I am still a little ahead. It returns every year and all I can do is constantly cut it back


  3. Just the words bind weed strikes fear. Ours has pretty little sneaky flowers.


  4. Reminds me of the Flanders and Swann song “The Honeysuckle and the Bindweed”


  5. I’ve actually never seen any of the ones you mentioned. Growing up, our yard had a willow in it. They can be a nightmare as they seek out waterpipes and strangle them. The city was after us forever to cut it down, but it was a huge and very spectacular tree. We didn’t, but then we never had problems with it either!


  6. Well at least your pics are pretty . . . .just saying


  7. Great comparison – the wires and the weeds.



  1. Twisted – High | What's (in) the Picture?