CEE’S SHARE YOUR WORLD – Marilyn Armstrong

Share Your World

If you were to pack a basket for picnic lunch, what would be in your basket?

First of all, I’m not an enthusiastic outside eater, not matter how nice the weather is. At the beach, there is sand and everywhere else there are ants and flies. We used to cook on the back deck at the Vineyard. One day, a seagull swooped down and stole the steak directly from the grill. Hot coals and all. Now that is definitely chutzpah.

Photo: Garry Armstrong

Did I mention the wind? On a perfect day without a trace of wind, the moment you put down that paper table-cloth, there will be a wind and the rest of the meal will be trying to keep the paper plates, cloth, even your plastic forks and spoons in place.

Georges Seurat

I love old paintings of elegant picnics, but the picnics in my life have not been elegant. Mostly, they have involved swatting bugs, finding stones to put on everything to keep it on the table — if you have a table — and generally eating as fast as possible to get it over with. Maybe there were fewer insects in The Old Days? Or maybe … they just ate the bugs.

Please enjoy your picnic. Take pictures, too. I’ll love the photographs, I promise.

On a vacation what you would require in any place that you sleep?

Cleanliness. Working bathrooms. A non-sagging bed with a mattress that was replaced this decade.

And a convenient place to park so we don’t have to haul all our stuff up stairs and elevators while walking to a third story unit.

There are many motels that do not “get” the whole “handicapped” thing.

If you were to buy a new house/apartment what is the top three items on your wish list?

No stairs. A flat backyard. Easy to clean. Two garages — one for the car, the other for everything else. And lots of really BIG closets. Oh, did I mention an eat-in kitchen?

What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week?  

This was one hell of a week. I’m really glad that Garry will get his ear fixed and give him hearing for the first time in his life. I hated getting hacked and have spent the rest of the week replacing everything on my computer. So there was the good part — Garry will hear! And the not so good part — I have had to completely rebuild my computer.

Long term, Garry’s hearing is definitely the better part! By next week, I’ll have beaten back the last of the hacking, but once repaired, Garry will hear forever.

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Categories: #Health, #Photography, Cochlear implant, hacking, Hearing, Technology

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12 replies

  1. Garry hearing is definitely good news on your horizon. 😀 😀


    • It is good news, but there’s such a lot of stuff to get through before we are there. It may go really easily. For some people, it does. Harder for others and there apparently is no predicting. But Garry has some advantages and one is that he is used to listening to electronic voices. And he knows what he sounds like having heard himself on the air a lot. Most people have no idea how they sound.

      I’m optimistic. I’m also exhausted.


  2. Great news about Garry!!!


    • It is. I’m not sure he sees it entirely the same way. The whole surgery makes him nervous, but it isn’t a major surgery — but it is his head and he’s an Aries. Your head really MATTERS when you are an Aries. For me, it’s feet. They matter. I’m always looking for the shoe that REALLY REALLY REALLY fits and is totally comfortable. Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure they don’t exist. Except for Uggs. The old Uggs are perfection.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Yeah, I’m not a picnic person either… Way too much trouble for something that doesn’t last very long, and — as you said — too many bugs.

    Good news about Garry hearing. Best wishes for that going forward.


    • I’m really happy about Garry and the cochlear implant. I know he’s worried about it and I don’t blame him, but he will be able to HEAR for the first time in his life and that’s not a small thing.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Picknicking was part of the hikes we did with the kids on our holidays when they were small in the Berenese Overland and that was fun. Perhaps in the higher places insects are not such a bother. Very important point for me when buying our place was being able to eat in the kitchen in comfort


    • You are probably right. I think they are particularly bad here because of the many rivers and streams and ponds. Bugs LOVE water. And of course, they love our woods. We live in the trees and so do trillions of insects. Anyone who lives in the woods knows what I mean. Yes, it is beautiful, but it is also incredibly buggy.

      Liked by 1 person

      • “PICNIC”, the movie at an outdoor screening. Steamed Hot Dawgs and Bug Juice.

        DRILLING IN MY HEAD; looking for oil or gold?
