Inertia – For which the counterpoint are Dogs

I had a really bizarre dream about dogs and being somewhere else with one of them and realizing I had a cat at home and had not arranged for anyone to take care of him. I called my son and he seemed unsure about that other cat, probably because we don’t currently have any cats but actually have three dogs. Eventually, I woke up because the aforementioned three dogs were throwing themselves at the bedroom door.

Inertia will keep me right where I am. In bed. I don’t really need to get up today. Garry needs to get up, but I don’t have anything urgent to do, not counting what I’m doing right now (writing), starting the coffee up … and giving treats to the dogs.

If I don’t get up and give a cookie to the dogs, they will break through the door and Duke will be standing on Garry’s chest, slobbering on his face. Remarkably, Garry has less sense of humor about this than he did 25 years ago. Back then it was pretty funny.

It was only 8:30 when I woke up screaming. It wasn’t screaming because the dream was so bad. I was screaming because I’d twisted one leg and it really hurt and both my arms were asleep. I had to go to the bathroom which was complicated by two arms that wouldn’t work — dead to the world — and one twisted leg.

Yet I managed to go back to sleep for one more hour. Because 8:30 is too early for me to get up unless someone gives me a good reason. That is no doubt why the phone range promptly at 9:30. Dentist. Monday. Reminder.

I knew there was something on Monday. I thought it was getting Bonnie clipped, but it turned out that’s on Friday and Monday really IS the dentist.

Should I get up? Inertia was mumbling in my ear. “Don’t do it. It’s a cruel trap. You can get at least another hour in bed.”

Between the single bad dream, my twisted body, I’d turned off the A/C and really needed to turn it back on … and anyway, I have a computer next to the bed … I decided to just take a peak at the computer. It’s the secondary part of the morning inertia thing.

At this point, it is already 10:30. Garry showed no signs of stirring. This is not unusual. He used to get up every morning at one or two. For everyone else, that’s the middle of the night. For him, it was the beginning of the day because he was on The Earliest Show and he needed to be curried, combed, and dressed for television. Now, he wears stretchy pants and something on top, depending on weather and if he has plans to do anything beyond petting dogs.

I shouted in his better ear that he had a thing at CVS. He needs to get a meningitis vaccination so he can have his cochlear implant. Apparently when they cut holes in your head, meningitis is a bad thing to get. I have had viral meningitis and I can tell you that it gives you a headache that is like every other headache you have ever had and all the rest you will ever have in the future in a single headache so horrendous that your eyes roll around in your head and can’t focus. Blinking hurts. Did I mention the nausea and the rash?

Anyway, what with the nature of this surgery, he gets vaccinated. I’ve had the disease so I don’t need no stinking vaccination. I’ve got antibodies. Also, no one is cutting holes in my head. At least, no one told me about it.

By now, the door is straining. Bowing. They aren’t huge dogs, but you add them together and they amount to more than 100 pounds of power pup.

“I’m COMING,” I said. “I’m on my way. Calm your paws, you little furry monsters.” All that did was get them more excited.

“She spoke!” they barked. “She’s ALIVE. She’s coming!”

In retribution for my slow appearance this morning, one of them ate the instructions for the new router. Good I already installed and registered it, eh?

And so our prompt free week begins with a new prompt from Fandango. The word of the day is inertia. It isn’t only a word. It is a lifestyle

Why do only humans feel getting up is so urgent? Unless you have to report to work, one hour is as good as any other hour, right? The dogs have even less to do than me, unless getting me into the kitchen is their version of a job.

Since this is new, here are instructions and they are pretty simple:

Welcome to June 1, 2018 and the inauguration of Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (aka, FOWC). It’s designed for those of us who are suffering from withdrawal after WordPress bailed on its daily one-word prompt.

I will be posting each day’s word just after midnight Pacific Time (US).

Today’s word is “inertia.” Write a post using that word. It can be prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction. It can be any length. It can be just a picture or a drawing if you want. No holds barred, so to speak.

Once you are done, tag your post with #FOWC and click on the Mister Linky thingie below and then visit others who have participated. (This is my first time trying Mister Linky and I hope it works. If it doesn’t, let me know in the comments.)

I will be writing my own response to this prompt in a separate post, so be sure to look for that.

Categories: #Photography, Dolls, Humor, Morning

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14 replies

  1. They are working on the road and curbs on our street so there is heavy equipment out front and they start at 7:00 am. Yesterday they didn’t stop until 5:30 pm. Inertia – not here – we were up at 7:00 am too (at least until they get the road done).


    • In Boston, we lived next door to Mass General Hospital AND Mass Eye & Ear. We learned to sleep through everything. Now, I’m not sure. It has been a long time in the peace of the country, so maybe noise would wake me again. But while we were in Boston, NOTHING woke me except the alarm or a dog telling me NOW NOW NOW.

      Liked by 1 person

      • It’s usually pretty quiet here so the big trucks and bulldozers sure make a big difference.


        • Boston was always noisy. And when you live next to the city’s largest hospital, you will hear the sirens going at every hour of the day. Not to mention the garbage trucks, the police sirens, the rattling of the elevators … Always there was noise. When we first moved here, we had trouble sleeping. Too quiet!

          Liked by 1 person

          • The noise of the city, yes you can get used to it. We lived in a very busy area in Paris near the Metro (11 Aron.)and there was a street light. It was noisy until about 4:00 am. We could sleep through it but we always woke up at 4:00 am when the quiet hit us.


  2. Inertia may be the best of things and the worst of things. (apologies to Charles Dickens). Sometimes we need to stop and regroup, which is when inertia is the best of things. Other times, like when the dog(s) decide it’s time to GO OUT or have TREATS, inertia is a very bad thing indeed. Half digested router instructions or an unwanted, unplanned for and distinctly unpleasant surprise may await one, just by the door. Huny gives me ample warning, and feels it’s not HER fault if her hoomin doesn’t pay attention. I tend to agree.


    • The dogs have a dog door, so they go in and out whenever they want to go. As for the router instructions, usually, they just eat napkins with food on them, but for some reason, they ate these.


  3. That’s the best use of the word inertia ever. Sadly, I still find myself getting up to early even though it’s summer break and my children are finally old enough to leave me alone in the mornings. It’s the dog, up at 6:30 every morning. I only have one, but he’s a lot of dog all by himself.


  4. Thanks for participating and the shoutout, Marilyn. Great response. Sadly, I can’t remember the last time I slept until 8:30. I’m usually up between 6:00 and 6:30. But then again, most nights it’s lights out by 10 pm my time (or 1 am your time).
