WORLD-SHARING 2.02.4 – Marilyn Armstrong

Share Your World – July 9, 2018

What would you name the autobiography of your life?


Which do you prefer sweet, salty or buttery?

All of the above, in varying combinations. I do not, however, like “sweet-salty” combinations such as chocolate covered salty pretzels. I do like sweet-bitter combinations like bitter orange, lemon … to a point. I’m not an extremist. I don’t like intensely bitter orange or super-soured lemon. I sort of appreciate subtlety in foods.

As for buttery? Not so much these days. When I was younger and didn’t mind fatty foods, I was more butter-inclined. Fonder of “slathered in butter.” Not much these days. I’m more temperate. I like a little bit of this, that, and the other thing. Too much of any single thing is … well … too much of a good thing.

What’s the finest education?

For what? Law? Medicine? Software Engineering? Physics? High Mathematics? History? Economics?

Even amongst the top schools for each subject, you could argue which was which THE school. Do you like MIT or Cal Tech? Harvard or Yale? Cambridge or the Sorbonne? Julliard? Oberlin?

Photo: B. Kraft

I think the best education for me or you would be the best we could get out of what happens to be available. I’ve met some really ignorant PhDers and some incredibly smart people without any formal education.

Still, that being said, a really excellent education at a top school for whatever you are studying can’t possibly hurt, right? So if you can get into the right school, definitely go. And I don’t mean online. I mean GO. Because there’s more to college than classes.

What made you smile this past week?

When we got home from the hospital — it was a long day — I found a package. It was the fancy Red Sox 2018 shirt I ordered for Garry. A bit more than I would normally spend on a shirt, but I thought he needed something to perk up his world. He has been so worried about this surgery, he needed an “upper” and I thought this would be it.

You think? It certainly made Garry smile  😎

Categories: #Food, Cochlear implant, Hearing, UMass Memorial

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20 replies

  1. Autobiography Title: ‘PRINT THE LEGEND”


  2. Who knew you could make a baseball-themed Hawaiian shirt? That is pretty cool!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Squirrel, Most cool pick by Marilyn. Betcha Thomas Magnum would love it except he’s a Tigers’ fan/\.


  3. Oh Garry should look terrific in that shirt. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Cee. Now I have to ring Connie Stevens aka “Cricket Blake” and go on a “Hawaiian Eye” date.


  4. love the shirt! I am sure Garry will wear it well

    Liked by 1 person

    • Daily, i’m wondering if any one will notice it. People wear such garish stuff complemented by rings in all their body orifices. I’ll probably look mundane.


  5. I hate sweet/salty as well. It seems to be the “in” thing. People are always raving about salted caramel and trying to foist it on me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dral, I have a “salt” tooth. love pretzels, etc, Fresh, hot & salty pretzels — yummy. Then, drink a gallon of sweet leomonade. Oy!

      Salted caramel? I think not.

      We just had our first go at Pizza with pineapples, sausages and bacon. It was the only available style for the Pizza with coupons… Pineapples?? Think, I’ll pass. I like Pizza with anchovies. Hold the applause.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Excellent choice! Who couldn’t smile looking at that bright shirt? I like your answers and agree, there’s more to learn at college than classes

    Liked by 1 person

  7. That is some shirt

    Liked by 1 person

  8. That’s a wonderful shirt!

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