THE PATH #writephoto – Marilyn Armstrong

As long as I can remember, I’ve been enchanted by paths and in particular, by paths in the woods. There’s something about them, a kind of magic. You can’t see where the path ends and any time you choose to walk on one, you could wind up anywhere from the parking lot of the local mall to an ancient churchyard.

It’s the not-knowingness that makes it special.

So every time we are taking pictures in or near the woods, I look for paths. Even tiny, obscure, overgrown paths nonetheless hold the possibility of adventure.

Mystery. A hidden future. The unknown calls out and we are obliged to follow.

The long path home – Photo: Garry Armstrong

Perfect wooded path

In Vermont


Categories: #Photography, Blackstone Valley, Paths, Seasons

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24 replies

  1. Such beauty and what a luring call they have – I’m the same only now I NEED to look down on my way ahead as my eyesight is so lousy…. I also take photos of far too many of my paths….. they all tell stories and suggest invitations, riddles, calls! Glorious photos .


  2. Love the photos 💜


  3. I love the Vermont Path and the path in the final picture. It has kind of a “Third Man” feel. I’ll grab the zither.


  4. OMG that is so true, that’s the implicit allure of an unknown path. Beautifully said!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have a lot of trouble walking on uneven ground these days, so I can’t really do it anymore. I used to, though and I rather miss it.


      • I have to be careful but I can walk. It’s the getting up and getting going that is a serious issue. If it is too uneven then I probably couldn’t either.


        • I can only take a few steps on a non-flat piece of ground and then, I usually need Garry’s arm to stay steady. This is getting worse, too, so I’m expecting to be more limited as time goes on. But age does that even without extra issues like vision or MS or arthritis. Very old people have to be really careful about where they put their feet. Falling is one of the major causes of fatalities in this state, probably because most of our houses have multiple stories. Flatter houses are also safer houses. And those with fewer dogs running around.


  5. They are most enticing.


  6. Nice pictures and they each want me to walk them. 😇


  7. Yep, I can’t resist the lure either 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Paths in the woods can be very confusing

    Liked by 1 person


  1. The Path ~ Marilyn Armstrong #writephoto | Sue Vincent's Daily Echo
  2. Photo prompt round-up – Track #writephoto | Sue Vincent's Daily Echo