THE VERY LAST ROSES – Marilyn Armstrong

FOTD – The Very Last Roses

It’s actually cold (again) tonight but it didn’t rain today. It looked like rain, but although it got grey, we actually didn’t have any rain for one entire day. I got so excited, I went out and took some pictures. Because today, the trees were pretty bright.

The little tornado from yesterday basically lasted about 5 minutes and although it took down a lot of trees, didn’t do much other damage. We lost a lot of limbs, especially out back, but seem otherwise untouched.

The weather really is pretty strange. I am a bit dismayed that it got so cold so quickly, but it’s possible it’ll warm up next week and we’ll still get a couple of weeks of Indian Summer.

They are promising heavy rain and a lot of wind over the weekend which is why I figured I should shoot a few more foliage pictures. I have a feeling the wind and rain will strip the trees. However, these pictures are all about my roses which despite the weather and the cold, are blooming. Go figure.

Meanwhile, we are on game two of the World Series. It’s 47 degrees (8.3 Celsius) in Fenway Park, but no one is complaining. Game on!

Summer never wanted to end, but winter seems pretty eager to begin.

Categories: #Flowers, #Photography, Autumn, Blackstone Valley, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day

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19 replies

  1. Roses are pretty hardy. Mine are just starting to bloom again after winter. I gave the older bushes a really hard prune, they are very tall and very thorny and I always cut them right back but you would not know it now. The baby ones planted a year ago I just cut off anything that looked dead and they have come back looking fine. I think they will grow well this summer.


  2. They are lovely, Marilyn, I just hope I can get one more bouquet from the garden for dinner on Saturday night.


  3. Hardcore roses! 😀


  4. The rose photos are wonderful – hope your flowers ( and the warm weather) lasts a little longer! 🙂


  5. Lovely pictures of your beautiful flowers. Thanks for sharing


  6. Beautiful roses. We have two large beds in the local cemetery that have not stopped flowering since summer


  7. Love the effect of your first shot, Marilyn.

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