THE POST-EVENT CRASH – Marilyn Armstrong

RDP Saturday – CRASH

I noticed in the definition that my favorite slang definition of a “crash” is missing. It’s the exhausted collapse after a busy week, weekend, vacation, or period of travel. Or really, any major festivity. When you get back from whatever you were doing and you fall in a useless heap on the nearest soft surface. Be it bed or sofa, it is officially “a crash.”

“I called but you didn’t answer!”

“Hey man, I was totally crashed out. That was some weekend.”

I think we’ve been permanently crashed out since Garry began his march to hearing from non-hearing.

Sometimes crashing isn’t a physical thing, either. It’s emotional. You got all worked up about something — and not necessarily a bad thing. A big party or a series of big parties … or the winter holidays. Then, suddenly, New Year’s comes and goes and that deflation leaves you completely crashed.

Somewhere, in your mind’s ear you hear someone singing “The Party’s Over,” and you realize it’s another year. We don’t get that excited about the holidays anymore, but we do get excited about vacations — when finally they come around. It’s good I take a lot of pictures. That helps keep the mood for a while longer. Sort of stretches the even for as long as you are still processing the photographs.

Festive on the commons!

And it’s that time of year again. If you are getting all lathered up about the holidays, try to remember that it’s a month of festivities, but it ends. Please! Don’t crash!

Categories: #Photography, Daily Prompt, Holidays, Humor

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10 replies

  1. How true. The festivities and holidays do take a toll. And this prompt was really late.


  2. Years ago there was a rush to buy the perfect gifts, but as I age and they age, now I just get out the checkbook. 🙂


  3. no time to crash….


  4. I am annoyed. Again a late posting of a prompt has spoilt my Saturday evening.

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