CLIMATE-INDUCED COMA – Marilyn Armstrong

I didn’t want to get out of bed. I didn’t want to stay in bed, either. I just didn’t want to move. It isn’t too much turkey because we had ham. It’s just the dreary weather. Wet, chilly, always gray. There hasn’t been enough light from the morning sun to take a clear photograph of my Christmas Cacti.

Gray afternoon in winter

Why do they make us change time exactly when we really need that extra hour of light? It’s depressing getting dark before five in the evening. It reminds me of going to work in the dark and driving home in the dark. My office didn’t have a window, so winter got downright grim.

I’m not exactly in a coma. I’m not in a coma, but I feel like I am. I’m tired of the wind, the rain, the mud. The grayness of it all. I think at least one day out of every five should be sunny.

If it weren’t for the birds, I think I’d be going around ye olde bend. This isn’t even lovely winter weather. It’s just gloomy and it’s hard to get all worked up in the gray of day and the dark of night.

Categories: #FOWC, Daily Prompt, Fandango's One Word Challenge, Weather

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19 replies

  1. Those long grey days, I think it is the lack of light as much as anything that is depressing. Our days are much longer now we are nearly into summer but after a few days of lovely weather just before and after the Huon Show we are back to overcast and dreary. We’ve been getting some rain but not enough for people who live on tank water and it’s not been really cold but it is depressing.


    • We’ve gotten so much rain, the rivers are overflowing. The yard looks like a mud pit and the dogs look like mud pit dogs. And yes, no matter what time of year it is, constant gray skies are depressing. At least most of the snow is elsewhere. I need to find a plow guy before the next major storm!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sunshine…just what we all need a little more of, especially with another Nor’easter on the way. Thankful that our Thanksgiving day was bright and beautiful. Now I want more! Like that little ditty goes…guess we’ll have to pray for sunshine, but always be prepared for rain (or snow as the case may be). Winter’s not even on the calendar yet and i’m already dreaming of spring. Sunshine, flowers and longer days! 🌅🌷☀️ ❤ xo


    • It has been so gray so much of the time. It has rained for at least two or three days every week here, and the rest of the week is just gray. Wind and falling branches and muck. I’m sure it won’t be long until we get snow, too. We’ve got a few warmed up days, but it’s coming.

      I’d just settle for dry, sunny weather! I don’t care if it’s cold or warm, just NOT raining.


  3. Oh gosh. You really have had grim grim weather! ❤️


  4. I had the same feeling today, everything so grey and dismal and everything in slow motion, or is it just me.


  5. The same here, Marilyn. Yesterday, I found myself wishing for snow – at least then the ground would freeze and take care of some of the mud. And snow is so much prettier than rain and clouds.


  6. Ah the “grey days” of winter – they suck!


  7. Your picture explains precisely our weather yesterday today and apparantly tomorrow as well. even the dog won’t stay outside unless he ha to do his business. Can’t say I blame him. It’s downright nasty outside with winds howling as well. I’m with you. I’m editing Phase Shift and that’s keeping me busy for now lol.


    • It’s pretty grim and miserable out there. Doesn’t inspire us to do much of anything.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You or me either. Glad to be inside and warm.


      • I felt even grimmer – running the R/x pickup to our supermarket pharmacy – and shut out as they closed their lunch window, 3 minutes early despite my pleas.
        So, I left, feeling very grumpy. I filled up the car and returned to the pharmacy – awaiting end of their lunch. i was surrounded by women loaded down with cold & cough thingies. They were all complaining about their “bugs”, the lousy weather and sneaking stares at me. I sat quietly, in a corner chair, waiting for the damn pharmacy to reopen. I felt very, very grubby. This was a rare pre-shower, pre-shave outing for me. I had on a hoodie underneath a winter jacket and chewed on gum to pass the time and relax. I probably looked like a central casting felon.
        The pharmacist—a newbie – looked at me suspiciously as I showed my ID for Marilyn’s R/X. “What your relationship to the patient?”, he inquired with a long stare. I could feel the anger building — that familiar state —an unshaven brown guy in a hoodie, picking up a R/X for a woman. Very suspicious! “I’m her husband!”, I said tersely. He just stared at me. The anger was building quickly when another staffer came over and smoothly said, “He is her husband – he is a regular customer, Sam”. Sam still just stared at me as the sale was completely. The women were still staring and jabbering.

        I shot the doubting pharmacist one last look as I walked away, still seething. “Sam?”, he looked at me quizzically. “What?” “Play it again, Sam”. I walked out.
        – 30 –
