FOWC with Fandango — Trail

It’s a great song and I remember my mother singing it. In fact, I think we sang it in glee club. All our teachers were old enough to remember “the war to end all wars.”

It didn’t end all or any wars. I think it started more wars … as soon as there were enough men to fight another one.

I’m still, after doing a lot of reading on that war baffled as to how it began. There was little to be gained and much to be lost, especially by the people living in Europe where the battles were fought. They had nothing to gain and everything to lose.

It was all politics, all national leaders trying to prove that they were the most powerful in Europe and everyone bought more and more weapons.

One day, a shot was fired and a war which virtually wiped out all the men in Europe began. Does it sound vaguely familiar?

Categories: #FOWC, Daily Prompt, Fandango's One Word Challenge, Music, War and battles

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11 replies

  1. Will we ever learn?


  2. The men almost got wiped out in WWII too, especially in France.


    • Yes, but based on actual population, nothing has matched the butcher’s bill from WWI. The records of damages from battles in the war are absolutely MIND boggling. Even today, we’ve never come near that kind of slaughter. Now that I mention it, body for body, our Civil War was (per capita) the bloodiest of all wars.


  3. Oh Marilyn you can really dig them up. Perhaps we are the only two ancients that know that song. I even know the singer. Reminds me of my cockney grandad, although he managed to get out of doing service in WWI. He worked in the Arsenal making bombs. They played that song on record request programmes when I was a kid, usually requested from ex soldiers of the First World War. It certainly is a memorable song for me and I even remember John McCormack. My other grandad served in that war in the medical corps. He collected the bodies from the warfields.


    • My mother used to sing it too. She remembered “the great war” and then she remembered the next war and the one after and the one after that. I think when we were kids, EVERYONE knew WWI songs because our teachers, parents, aunts, uncles … they all remembered the big war.


  4. I’d actually never heard that song before.
