LUMBER? Marilyn Armstrong


Every now and again, a word comes up in one of these prompts that leaves me with nothing to say.

Lumber. We’ve got some in the basement. We’ll need more when we fix whatever needs fixing. We have our own lumber yard in Uxbridge — one of the few things we’ve got going for us in this tiny town.


A huge log destined for lumber

Waiting by the cutting mill to be turned into lumber

But I have nothing to say about it except if you need it, the lumberyard is very good at supplying it. It starts out as trees and eventually, you can nail it to something else and make a thing.

Imagine that!

Categories: #Photography, Daily Prompt, Humor

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12 replies

  1. This is one prompt I probably should have participated in. Lord knows, I have enough lumber in and around my house after all those renovations – along with electrical wire and water pipes. Hope I don’t need any of it again anytime soon.


  2. marilyn, it seems that you are lumbering up for another interesting year, happy new year, enjoy the posts, amen


  3. Just look at all those lines in the cut wood. It has to be over a hundred years old.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. LMAO I loved the pics and the tongue in cheek. Awesome! Gave me a good laugh this morning, Marilyn woot

    Liked by 2 people