FAR AWAY IN BLACK & WHITE – Marilyn Armstrong

Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: In the Distance

Distant. Okay, distant. It’s hard to take distant photography around here. No high points on which to stand, so I had to go back to pictures I took in more wide open spaces.

It’s not such a bad thing, though. I have lots of pictures from which to choose. Pictures from Arizona and Vermont, among other places will provide long distance photographs.

In black & white, of course.

Photo: Garry Armstrong – It looks farther than it is …

A lake somewhere in Vermont

Hazy distant mountains in Vermont

Mountains in Arizona

Categories: #black-&-white-photography, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge

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9 replies

  1. Now that’s lovely “far away”. I wish I were near it.


  2. Cool images, especially the first two.


    • I got to dig through my archives, so that’s always fun. I would have written more today, but I spent the day trying to make this stupid telephone work and sorting through about 10 lbs. of mail that has piled up.


  3. Wonderful photos for faraway, Marilyn 😀 😀


  4. Very nice pictures


  5. But you have some great views


  6. o nice. i should use that more often.
