FOWC with Fandango — No lethargy here!

Sunny days? The birds casually drop by for a peck at the seeds. Warm and sunny? They’ve got other things to do, excuse me, sorry. But today, it’s snowing and all of a sudden, our bird feeder is the most important thing in town. At one point, I counted 9 birds on one feeder.

And three more!

Two Red House Finches

More busy snow birds!

We have the fattest Juncos I’ve ever seen, so we must be doing something right.

Red Finch atop Toad


One more Chickadee

This is not one day of pictures. There are a lot of pictures and I haven’t even begun to process most of them.

Red Finch

Two Red Finches and a flying Chickadee

Categories: #Birds, #FOWC, #Photography, Daily Prompt, Fandango's One Word Challenge, flying, Nature, Uncategorized, Wildlife

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20 replies

  1. I just love those red finches. I guess the extra eating helps keep them warm.


  2. I like your Finch on a frog!


  3. I think the bird that came to our bathroom window last summer was one of those Red House Finches. It looked familiar and I just listened to the bird song. That must be it.


    • They used to be birds from like Arizona and the rest of the southwest. But in the 1970s, pet stores decided to sell them as pets. Which was illegal and eventually, the EPA told them “no wild birds in cages!” So all the pet stores just let them go. Now, they live everywhere from San Francisco to Toronto to Boston and everywhere else. The pet store people just opened the cages and let the birds free … everywhere. So now, they live everywhere.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. You certainly have a wonderful selection of birds

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I adore your birdie shots, and those of the sneaky squirrels! Thanks for providing a bright spot in an otherwise rather grim weekend. 🙂


    • Thank you. I am still waiting to get plowed. Any minute now. Whenever it snows, the birds and squirrels get VERY busy. They are still enthusiastically attacking the feeders 😀


  6. Your bird pictures are really magnificent — so many birds, so beautifully captured. I’m also fascinated by the background in many of the shots — great enhancement of the photo itself!

    Liked by 1 person

    • During snow or rain, they eat continuously. The traffic at the feeders has been amazining. It’s a traffic jam out there! But on a sunny day? They barely wave a wing at me.

      Liked by 3 people

      • A porky squirrel was hogging the feeder in the morning before you came into the kitchen. He ignored my banging on the window.
