Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy.

That’s what was wrong with me.

I had my heart surgery 4 years 11-1/2 months ago. As far as I knew, I never got an explanation of what exactly was wrong with me or what was done during the surgery. I didn’t know I had TWO valve replacements until a few weeks ago and I don’t know which artery was bypassed during my bypass.

To be more technical, the surgeon apparently explained everything, but I was so heavily drugged I’m not sure if I was awake for the explanation. I know I missed the whole thing about the second valve replacement because my best friend knew about it, but I didn’t. She wasn’t floating on Fentanyl.

The good news? UMass and Beth Israel are now connected so they can get my medical records. Eventually, it might sift down to me.

The bad news? My son needs to be checked for the same problem. His father died from heart-related problems as did both of his grandfathers and only luck kept me from sharing the same fate. So he has reason to be concerned about the condition of his heart. His father was only three years older than he is now when he died.

So, you ask, what exactly is “hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy”?

From the Mayo Clinic: Overview

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a disease in which the heart muscle (myocardium) becomes abnormally thick (hypertrophied). The thickened heart muscle can make it harder for the heart to pump blood.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy often goes undiagnosed because many people with the disease have few if any, symptoms and can lead normal lives with no significant problems.

However, in a small number of people with HCM, the thickened heart muscle can cause shortness of breath, chest pain or problems in the heart’s electrical system, resulting in life-threatening abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias).

NOTE: I had no symptoms that I noticed — which is not the same as not having symptoms. If it weren’t for my primary doctor’s alarm at the sounds my mitral valve was making, followed by serious testing that I had done at another hospital because the cardiologist to whom she sent me suggested I not worry about it until I had serious symptoms.

In this case, the serious symptom would have been sudden death, so I’m glad I realized the man was a jerk and went elsewhere for care. Even after all the testing, no one had any idea how serious the problem was until I was already in surgery. At which point, it was oh so clear.

I did not have chest pains, but I did have serious
shortness of breath.

Since I had asthma, I assumed my shortness of breath was asthma acting up. But I was wrong. It was not asthma but my ventricle packing its bags and trying to leave home without me. This is one of the problems of having multiple issues. Symptoms can (and do) overlap.

It’s really easy to assume that the problem you’re having is something familiar — like asthma. Except — shortness of breath can mean many different things. Heart disease is only one of them.

I once badly misdiagnosed a dog who had a known problem, but her problem was not the one I thought she had but something else. She died. We never found out what killed her, even after an autopsy. We assumed it was Lyme, but we never got a firm diagnosis. Lyme is funny that way.

Moreover, I never imagined I had a heart problem because my father’s heart problem was asymptomatic. As mine was until suddenly, it wasn’t.


Signs and symptoms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy may include one or more of the following:

            • Shortness of breath, especially during exercise
            • Chest pain, especially during exercise
            • Fainting, especially during or just after exercise or exertion
            • Sensation of rapid, fluttering or pounding heartbeats (palpitations)
            • Heart murmur, which a doctor might detect while listening to your heart

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is usually caused by abnormal genes (gene mutations) that cause the heart muscle to grow abnormally thick. People with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy also have an abnormal arrangement of heart muscle cells (myofiber disarray). This disarray can contribute to arrhythmia in some people.

The severity of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy varies widely. Most people with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy have a form of the disease in which the wall (septum) between the two bottom chambers of the heart (ventricles) becomes enlarged and restricts blood flow out of the heart (obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy).

Sometimes hypertrophic cardiomyopathy occurs without significant blocking of blood flow (nonobstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy). However, the heart’s main pumping chamber (left ventricle) may become stiff, reducing the amount of blood the ventricle can hold and the amount pumped out to the body with each heartbeat.

Risk Factors

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is usually inherited. There’s a 50 percent chance that the children of a parent with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy will inherit the genetic mutation for the disease. First-degree relatives — parents, children or siblings — of a person with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy should ask their doctors about screening for the disease.


Many people with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) don’t experience significant health problems. But some people experience complications, including:

            • Atrial fibrillation. Thickened heart muscle, as well as the abnormal structure of heart cells, can disrupt the normal functioning of the heart’s electrical system, resulting in fast or irregular heartbeats. Atrial fibrillation can also increase your risk of developing blood clots, which can travel to your brain and cause a stroke.
            • Sudden cardiac death. Ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation can cause sudden cardiac death. People with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy have an increased risk of sudden cardiac death, although such deaths are rare. Sudden cardiac death is estimated to occur in about 1 percent of people with HCM each year. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can cause heart-related sudden death in people of all ages, but the condition most often causes sudden cardiac death in people under the age of 30.
            • Obstructed blood flow. In many people, the thickened heart muscle obstructs the blood flow leaving the heart. Obstructed blood flow can cause shortness of breath with exertion, chest pain, dizziness, and fainting spells.
            • Dilated cardiomyopathy. Over time, the thickened heart muscle may become weak and ineffective in a very small percentage of people with HCM. The ventricle becomes enlarged (dilated), and its pumping ability becomes less forceful.
            • Mitral valve problems. The thickened heart muscle can leave a smaller space for blood to flow, causing blood to rush through your heart valves more quickly and forcefully. This increased force can prevent the valve between your heart’s left atrium and left ventricle (mitral valve) from closing properly. As a result, blood can leak backward into the left atrium (mitral valve regurgitation), possibly leading to worsening symptoms.
            • Heart failure. The thickened heart muscle can eventually become too stiff to effectively fill with blood. As a result, your heart can’t pump enough blood to meet your body’s needs.

Because hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is inherited, it can’t be prevented. But it’s important to identify the condition as early as possible to guide treatment and prevent complications.

Preventing sudden death

Implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator has been shown to help prevent sudden cardiac death, which occurs in about 1 percent of people with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Unfortunately, because many people with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy don’t realize they have it, there are instances where the first sign of a problem is sudden cardiac death. These cases can happen in seemingly healthy young people, including high school athletes and other young, active adults. News of these types of deaths generates understandable attention because they’re so unexpected, but parents should be aware these deaths are quite rare.

Still, doctors trained in heart abnormalities generally recommend that people with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy not participate in most competitive sports with the possible exception of some low-intensity sports. Discuss specific recommendations with your cardiologist.

If this wasn’t a good news-bad news day, I don’t know what would be. The good news? All things considered, I’m doing fine. As far as I know, the valves are doing their valve-thing.

I’ve got 8 years — 5, realistically — before I’ll need a replacement battery. I also learned why I will never be able to live without a pacemaker. I had thought that maybe my heart would start doing the job all by itself one day, but that will not happen. But, assuming the rest of the tests next month indicate that all is well, I need to worry about my son, not me.

I think I’d rather worry about me.

If there is a moral to this story, it’s don’t self-diagnose. If you think something is wrong, don’t assume you have the answer. The odds are, you don’t. The internet is a good place to look up an existing diagnosis, but a bad place to get a new one. If it turns out your best guess was right, congratulations, but this is one of those times when an error can prove fatal.

I still think this problem wouldn’t have become such a life-threatening issue had I not also inherited my mother’s breast cancer. The drugs they feed you when you have cancer … well … I’m not even sure the doctor’s know what they do.

For the avoidance of goriness reasons, I decided you don’t need more pictures. You can always Google this yourself and see all the gore you want.

Categories: #Health, #HealthInsurance, Heart, Hospital, Humor, Medical, Medical humor, UMass Memorial

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41 replies

  1. It may not be in perfect condition but i can assure you your heart is 100% in the right place! 🙂

    As for worrying i am also 100% certain it contributes nothing positive in our life – be interested, be concerned, but don’t ever worry (Be Happy! – Whistling….)


    • I don’t find it hard to not worry … but it’s not just my son. It’s also my granddaughter. IF Owen is OK, then Kaity will probably be okay too. I think. I hope.

      Liked by 1 person

      • What’s important is to be aware of it. That gives you the best chance at a long life… and you have helped make more people aware – it’s up to them to take appropriate action (with the odd subtle hint maybe??) 😉


        • It’s hard to not be a nag about it when it’s your own kid — and grandkid. But he knows. And he knows about his father ad grandfather too. So it’s not something nebulous and vague. He KNOWS

          Liked by 1 person

          • And as you and i both know… it’s one thing to know something, it can be another entirely actually doing something about/with what we know! 😉 ( keep nagging as required!)


  2. Another thing: Maybe your son is just like my sister. I‘m totally convinced, she DOES NOT want to know (more). When I ask my many questions, she just says: Why do you ask all this? If I‘m gonna die, I am gonna die…. I just try to lead a good and happy life before I ‚return my house shoes‘….. These are the moments I‘d happily strangle her right there and then with the (non existent) telephone cable 😉


  3. I will have to check this out in depth another day. Because, you got me worried for my sister. She is 5yrs younger than me and has heart problems (amongst many other serious issues such as breast cancer etc) of the most worrying kind. She‘s just out of hospital again and apart from ‚knowing‘ that her heart and the heart‘s surroundings are enlarged, her body storing water by the gallon, ‚they‘ can‘t tell what‘s wrong (well, what‘s NOT wrong with poor dear little sis?)….. so just maybe I try to find out if it could be anything like your predicament? IN GERMAN LANGUAGE…. that is often the problem, I can find everything in English but finding explanations in German is just so much more difficult as all the medical and most of the scientic stuff is always published in English…..
    I very much hope that your son and his daughter will be spared this particular heavyweight, heart-breaking (!!) experience and Thanks God for having ‚discovered‘ it maybe just in time – so that you could have THEM checked out in good time too.
    You are a hard-tested woman. We have a (not very kind but rather funny) saying: The devil obviously doesn‘t want you yet…. when we hear of such health scares and -trials.


  4. Yikes — I’m glad they found it, even if while you were in surgery!


    • I had just finished up with cancer when the heart problems hit. I have to admit, I felt it was totally unfair. BOTH? Really? If you get one, don’t you get a pass on the other? Apparently not. At least I finally (more or less) know what happened.


  5. Your son needs to be checked soon, and I’m sure you’re making sure of that. I hate inherited conditions. My youngest has inherited everyone one of her father’s conditions and mine, plus a couple that bypassed us but hit her and her cousins. I wish there could have been some way to avoid that, but hey – inherited. If only I also had some money she could inherit.


    • I’m nagging him ferociously, but he’s not a kid, so all I CAN do is nag. He’s afraid of what they might find and I’m afraid that they might FAIL to find something important. It was easier when he was a kid and I could drag him to the doctor!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. That was very well explained. The good news would be that you found out early enough it can be helpful to your son.


  7. You have truly educated me on something I was clueless about. I’ve seen the name of the condition but don’t know the in-depth. Thanks for enlightening me. I’ll make sure to pass this type info on in the hopes it can educate and help others.


    • It is worth knowing. The irony is that until yesterday, I didn’t know much about it either. They really don’t tell you much unless you dig for answers. This particular doctor, though, was very thorough. Finally.


  8. So many people don’t want to go to the doctor. I understand that, but sometimes Dr Google is not the way to go. Great reminder, Marilyn.


  9. Well, I guess it is good to know the facts but worrying in quite another way. I hope that Owen will get checked out soon and be able to put your mind at rest.


  10. Wishing the best for both of you. I’ve got that dreaded family history of heart disease as well…. especially on my Mom’s side of the family. I already knew I am the same age her father was when he died from a heart attack at 43… but came to a somewhat scary realization while looking at my calendar that at this moment I’m within a day or two of the EXACT age he was when he died. I already get a yearly checkup with a cardiologist and have so far not had any real issues… but as you said, sometimes the first symptom is the one that does you in….


    • IF you know exactly what his diagnosis was — and this was it (it’s not uncommon), then you need a specific check for THIS PARTICULAR problem because it won’t be found by the usual ways. I thought when I stopped worrying about me, I could stop worrying. Apparently not. In any case, you might want to mention this issue — just in case this is the problem. One of MY problems is not knowing EXACTLY what the problem was when my father died. It was congestive heart failure, but that’s kind of a “bucket” diagnosis and basically means anything … like “heart attack” which isn’t a specific thing and can actually by a bunch of different causes. At least you are seeing a cardiologist, so you are already ahead of the crowd!


  11. All the best for your son. Hope that the doctors can fix his valves too. Glam to know that you are doing well.


  12. I’m glad that you’re doing quite well, and I wish the best for your son, as well, Marilyn!


  13. Ugh. Thanks for sharing, and I hope you’re all 100% again now?


    • I’m as 100% as I can be. I’ve got two replaced valves, a reconstructed left ventricle, a bypass, and a pacemaker. I will always have the pacemaker and I’m not going to be doing active sports, but I’m alive. And if I’m lucky, I’ll stay that way for a while.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I’ll be honest, all of that sounds absolutely awful, but life /is/ the more important thing. -hugs-

        Liked by 1 person

        • It WAS awful, but it isn’t anymore. I really have recovered. But worrying about my son and granddaughter is not a happy alternative. I’d much rather be worried about ME. I’m used to worrying about me.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Yeah, nothing’s allowed to happen to our kids. But at least now you do know that it may be genetic so you’ve probably saved their lives. Plus medicine is improving so quickly, it may not even be an issue by the time they have to deal with it. -fingers crossed-


            • The problem is, there’s nothing they can actually do about it except monitor it and do the surgery if/when it becomes necessary. THAT is why it is so worrying.


              • True, you can’t exactly do much about a ‘muscle’. Still, forewarned and all that. 😦


                • I suppose we are just stuck with our DNA. It’s not like we get a choice about it. I got the cancer side from my mother and the heart stuff from my father and Owen’s father died of heart problem AND had previous had kidney cancer (and HIS father died of his second heart attack) … so he really has a big, mess to unravel. I just need him to take it seriously and not be too afraid to find out. I meet an awful lot of people who KNOW something is wrong yet they won’t go to a doctor and find out what the problem is. They are so terrified of what they MIGHT hear, that they don’t know if what they have is a big deal or a little one.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • I’ve had a little brush with cancer myself, and it was my fault. I neglected my health for about 6 years and bam. I was just very lucky that it was still localised. Knock on wood I’ll stay lucky, and a bit more vigilant in the future.
                  Best of health to you and your son.


      • A lot to digest/absorb. Neophyte me grasped a fair amount. Trust you got a lot more of it. Sounded — all things considered – like positive INFORMATION. Plus, you had stuff to pass onto Owen.
