SHINING AGAIN – Marilyn Armstrong

I just read a really interesting post on Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo called: SHINEIn her final paragraphs she said:

Don’t we all wish to be loved and accepted for who we are in our entirety? Yet we hide the good, even from ourselves, behind a socially acceptable modesty while brandishing our flaws and frailties as if they alone define who we are. They do not. We define who we are. As much by how we choose to see ourselves as by anything else. If we see ourselves whole, perhaps others may too. They cannot until we do, as we project outward only a fragment of who we are. The saying ‘love thy neighbour as thyself’ comes to mind. Maybe if we love our whole selves we can love others wholly too.

We are told that the very physical fabric of everything we know, including our own bodies, is made of the matter from which the stars were formed. Our physical forms exist because somewhere, aeons ago, a star died. If that is so, why should we not simply shine?

I realize the answer is really simple. We don’t shine because we need to work. We have to have a resume. We need to be “people-people.” No one wants to hire someone who shines. They want to hire people who fit in, people who won’t jolt the company “culture.”

I never figured out what company culture was, actually. Most of the places who exalted their company culture have long since gone bankrupt. Usually what company culture really meant is “we don’t want to work any harder than we absolutely have to.” These are places where mentioning deadlines were enough to get you out the door.

Photo: Garry Armstrong

They hired many more people than they needed to do the work because the people they hired couldn’t really do the work. More to the point, they didn’t do the work. They intentionally worked so slowly I found it hard to believe anyone could write that slowly. They thought THREE PAGES A DAY of technical material was plenty. I used to write between 20 and 50 and on a really good day, I could write half the book. Sure I’d have to go back and edit, add graphics, double check information, and test the document against the product.

But I got the work done. I got the basic draft put together quickly which left me time for serious rewrites and corrections once I’d Beta-tested the product.

Photo: Garry Armstrong

I worked at Intel for a year. It was a good job. Good pay. Also, not far from home and I didn’t have to drive into Boston. I had to work a 10  hour day every day, but I only had about 45 minutes of work to do. I was so bored I thought it would kill me. Ten hours of sitting in front of a computer — with NOTHING to do.

Shine? I could barely keep my eyes open.

And then, I got sick, stopped working, and got old. I don’t have a resume anymore. I’m not working for anyone who pays me, so I don’t have to lie to anyone, fake anything, pretend anything I don’t feel. With all the physical problems I have, I can’t begin to tell you how deeply I enjoy being me all the time. I’m not sure how the rest of the world feels about it, but I’m happy.

Shining is best done by the rich and the retired. Shining is not an option for most of us who have to show up to work and smile.

NowI CAN shine.

Categories: #Work, Performance, Personal, Relationships, Retirement

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11 replies

  1. Thought provoking post for this past HR person and now retired person. 🙂


  2. It’s all about fitting in, for sure. When our daughter went for her interview at a prominent Canadian University it consisted of several meetings over a meal. Fifteen years later she’s still there.


  3. which is exactly why I am having a hard time shining this morning: power outage overnight and still I trudge onto work….


    • We have been VERY lucky with trees NOT falling on our house or car. Branches fell, but I think it’s the wind direction. Everything falls away from the house. Of course, a tree could go down a street away, but so far, so good. And this has been an awfully windy year.


  4. Reading this, I am more than ever glad I never had to deal with the corporate work ethic!
    Thanks for the mention, Marilyn.


    • You gave me an idea … which have come with increasing rarity these days. You would have hated those big corporate places. They were terrible places to work — assuming you cared about your work. Great if all you wanted to do was pretend to work. Not for me, either.

      Thinking about this, I realize I once got laid off because I wasn’t Chinese. I was the ONLY person in the company who wasn’t Chinese. Then, they let me go and found a Chinese person. It was interesting being on the other side of the racial divide.


      • I never fancied anything about them… except, perhaps, the salary. I’ve never suffered that particular problem… but the gender barrier reared its head a lot when I was younger.


  5. And you do! Keep on shining and showering wisdom.
